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China Unicom

Yan Fang

China TelecomDan Xu
Deutsche TelekomNoel Wirzius
EricssonJan Friman
GSMAMark Cornall
HuaweiZhang Kai, Shuting Qing
InfosysChintan Lodariya
KDDIToshi Wakayama
OrangeLudovic Robert
Telecom ItaliaFabrizio Moggio
TelefónicaJose Ordonez-Lucena, Jorge García Hospital
VodafoneEric Murray, Kevin Smith


New Procedures in API Backlog WG meetings

A number of improvements are under discussion with leadership team of OGW project (Henry), CAMARA Project (Markus), Product Definition WS (Helene) and TSC (Herbert). As of today, the WG adopted agreements are three:

  1. To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
    • In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
    • Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
  2. New schedule of conf. calls
    • 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11 CET)
    • 4th Thursday of the month (15-16 CET)
  3.  Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them.

Meeting Minutes within Wiki instead of Github

  • CAMARA community agreed that meeting minutes would only be recorded in the wiki

Recent Updates & Recap

  • Minutes of last API backlog WG call available here
  • Last TSC call held on Dec 21st. Minutes available here. Key takeaways:
    • Population Density Data (replaces "Dynamic People Density Information") API proposal was approved, after backlog WG took required action.
    • Short Message Service (replaces "Send SMS") API proposal was approved, after backlog WG took required action.
    • Decision about names & maintainer lists for already approved sub projects will be taken in lazy consensus if there there are no objections or additional nominations on the TSC mailing list within 48 hours.
  • New repos:

Review of Action Points

APOwnerDescriptionIssueDue DateStatus 


Address received comments on Device Location Retrieval in in PR#366





Current Issues 


China Unicom

New Proposal: Network Slicing API
The API template is available in PR#333

Progress offline in the PR thread since last conf. call.

Huawei presented a deck (c.f. slides 11-14) shedding light on the open questions raised by delegates with regards to: 

  • API definition (input/output params)
  • differences with other existing APIs (QoD and SiteToCloudVPN)
  • naming and other issues raised by Ericsson and Vodafone 

Further questions were raised calling for clarifications on how API logic on other scenarios (access control, user provisioning and resource guarantees). 

  • Huawei clarified them. No further concerns from audience.

API owner asked the WG to endorse the API proposal. No objections were raised, but API owner was asked to update the API template before sending it out to the TSC. GSMA (Mark Cornall) also noted that the API definition should align with current GSMA OPG/OPAG activities. 

  • ACTION: China Unicom to update the API template, clarifying the issues covered in the deck and questions covered in the call. 
  • DECISION: The WG endorses the API proposal. It will be taken for approval to next TSC meeting (18th January). 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

330China UnicomNew API proposal: Device Visit Location
The API template is available in PR#329

The issue was not treated in this conf. call.

Awaiting for GSMA-TSC mails, with global privacy group of Open Gateway involved as well. 

  • For further details in background and next steps see issue thread. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

336TelefónicaNew API proposal: OGW Home Location Verification
The API template is available in PR#337.
Input from OGW Drop 3

No progress since last conf. call.

  • Telefónica has not yet taken action. 
  • For further details in next steps, see issue thread. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

343OrangeNew API proposal: Device Location Retrieval                                                       The API template is available in PR#366.
Input from OGW Drop 3

Orange updated the API template, according to the comments received in last conf. call. Further clarity on the new feature proposed for inclusion in the Device Location family.

  • AP 20231214-01 is closed.

Ludovic asked the WG to endorse the API proposal. No objections were raised. 

  • DECISION: The WG endorses the API proposal. It will be taken for agreement to next TSC meeting (18th January). 

The issue is eligible to be closed. 

351CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#350.
No delegate from Centillion attended. The issue was not treated in this conf. call. 
359Telecom Italia

New API proposal: Call Forwarding Signal
The API template is available in PR#361. Input from OGW Drop 3

Progress offline in the PR thread since last conf. call.

API supporters: the API needs a supporting company other than TIM (owner). 

  • China Mobile has confirmed its willingness to become supporter, but they are still pending to officialise it. To that end, a delegate from China Mobile should submit a PR against the backlog table, by adding the company name in the column "Supporters in API Backlog Working Group" for this API.
  • Ludovic noted that Orange would officialise support next week. 
  • ACTION: China Mobile and Orange to submit PRs for their companies to become supporters of the API. 

API scope: The scope (mobile-only or mobile+fixed) needs to be agreed for this API. While we have quorum on the need for mobile domain to be included in the scope of the original API, there is no consensus on the fixed domain.

  • WG chairman recommendation is to follow a pragmatic way,  starting with a very concrete market-empowered use case (and thus a narrower scope), and grow from that point over time.
  • API owner agreed. Fabrizio suggested focusing on the expected biggest market opportunity around mobile lines, leaving landlines for a second version of the API.
  • The rest of operator companies did not express their positions. 
  • KPN, who reported in the issue thread that the API should cover both mobile and fixed domains, could not attend the conf. call, so the scope cannot be closed yet.
  • ACTION: Operator companies are invited to post their position, to reach offline consensus on API scope.

The API proposal is not ready for WG endorsement.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

Closed Issues


China Unicom

New Proposal: Region User Count
The API template is merged, available here
Input from OGW Drop 3

Sub-Project is up and running 

334China UnicomNew API proposal: Device Visit Location
The API template is merged, available here
Input from OGW Drop 3
Sub-Project is up and running 
352TelefónicaNew API proposal: OGW Home Location Verification
The API template is merged, available here
Input from OGW Drop 3
Sub-Project is up and running




Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

The issue was not treated in this conference call.

ACTION: Jose (Telefónica) to open a new PR to address this issue. 

New Proposal: Receive SMS
No PR available.
The issue was not treated in this conference call.

Action Points

APOwnerDescriptionIssueDue DateStatus 


Open a new PR to update governing document for API submission pipeline





WG operators 

Post position on what the scope (mobile-only or mobile+fixed) of "Call Forwarding" API should be





China MobileUnicom, Orange

Submit PRs for their companies to become supporters of the Call Forwarding API





China MobileUnicom

Update the API template on Network Slicing, clarifying the issues covered in the deck and questions covered in the call. 





Next conf. call: 25th January, 15-16 CET.


How does CAMARA API pipeline work?
