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OrangeLudovic Robert 
Charter Communications
AT&TPierre Close 
T-Mobile US
NokiaTanja de Groot 
China Telecom
KPNHuub Appelboom 
GSMAHelene Vigue


New Procedures in API Backlog WG meetings

A number of improvements are under discussion with leadership team of OGW project (Henry), CAMARA Project (Markus), Product Definition WS (Helene) and TSC (Herbert). As of today, the WG adopted agreements are three:

  1. To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
    • In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
    • Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
  2. New schedule of conf. calls **The meetings are to be held by Linux Foundation (Links available at GitHub and Confluence Backlog front pages)
    • 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11 CET)
    • 4th Thursday of the month (15-16 CET)
  3.  Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them. 

Meeting Minutes within Wiki instead of Github


Approval of minutes of last conf. call

  • Minutes of last API backlog WG call available here
    • DECISION: Approved

Recent Updates & Recap

TSC meeting 6th June:


Any extra supporters?

Backlog table

  • Table updated in PR#51 (merged)

Review of Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date



WG delegates

Delegates from interested parties to prepare a list of questions for this API, for Nick to answer them.






To draft a simple figure illustrating the API logic with a high-level workflow, and attach it to the PR.  






Ricardo to share the RACI in the issue 367 comments, after making CAMARA specific document and validation by TSC




20240523-01API Backlog GovernanceRicardo to reach up TelecomXchange, Totogi and Netfocusin Technologies to see if the could connect next meetings23 24 1823/05/2024Open
20240523-02API Backlog Governance/China UnicomOpen an issue within DeviceStatus subproject to check overlaps regarding Shutdown Service Status3423/05/2024Open
20240523-03KDDIToshi validate with KYC participants if Telco Scoring API may fit within KYC familiy4123/05/2024Close
20240523-04TelefonicaJorge Reach out to Nick by email4123/05/2024Close
20240523-05KDDIToshi validate with KYC participants if TScoring Logic Scope Enhancement may fit within KYC familiy4523/05/2024Close
20240523-06API Backlog GovernanceCreate a API Scope Enhancement Template5323/05/2024Close
20240523-07DTBest interconnection: Review wether there is overlap within EdgeCloud subproject2023/05/2024Open


Current Issues 

17 CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#386.

Not treated

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

Ricardo is currently working on modeling a new table

Strugling with the new Table model.

Bring the PRs from the old repo 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

18TotogiNew Proposal: Receive SMS
The API template is available in PR#391

This issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

to be treated in following session


Deutsche Telekom

New Proposal: Device Quality Indicator
The API template is available in PR#380
Input from OGW Drop 3

Noel proposed Device Status subgroup to integrate their APIs within Noel's. Noel to make the proposal to the API Backlog and provide update

Two proposals Issue 19 and 28 would be integrating within the Device Status subproject The subgroup people is okay with this

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

to be treated in following session

DECISION: Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue, Vodafone commited and a third supporter is being queried) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories (deviceStatus) →  Device Quality Indicator



New Proposal: Carrier Wholesale Pricing
The API template is available in PR#393

First YAML avaliable here

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated

ACTION: Ricardo to reach up TelecomXchange to see if the could connect next meetings


Netfocusin Technologies

New Proposal: Steering of Roaming Management
The API template is available in PR#398

Does not seem to be in the Scope of Camara. 

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated

ACTION: Ricardo to reach up Netfocusin Technologies to see if the could connect next meetings


Deutsche Telekom

New API Proposal: Device Data Volume

New template in PR#39

DECISION: Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories (deviceStatus) → Device Data Volume

ACTION Ricardo to merge the templates


China Unicom

New API Proposal: Shutdown ServiceStatus

The API tempate is available in PR#32

(relations with device status to be considered)

Device Status seems to not fit withion the API proposal, anyhow Yang will be opening an issue to check this

May fit better in other API Status based group (Number verification maybe)

Wait until is discussed in device status group (Next wednesday 19th at 11h CEST → LINK)

ACTION: Open an issue within DeviceStatus subproject to check overlaps. → To Do


China Mobile

5G New Calling

The API template is available PR#31

Not treated

Telefonica and Vodafone willing to see the presentation to check whether there is support for this

To be treated in next session



New API Proposal: Telco Scoring

The API template is available #42

Input from OGW Drop 4

Presented slides: API-Overview-TelcoScore.pptx

The API seems to not fit within KYC and new sg should be created. Support is required, feel free

Scoring can be calculated both with any user registered in the telco. Less information means less scoring, Algorithm may be different for each of the implementators (MNO)

ACTION: Toshi validate if This APImay fit within KYC API familiy → The issue was rised but still under discussion

ACTION: Jorge Reach out to Nick by email



Scope Enhancement: KYC-Match API -Scoring logic 

The API template is available #46

This is just an enhancement of the current API. 

Looks fine as an Enhancement. SHould work without scoring due to limitation in some countries (not all responses include scoring, some cases does not make sense). 

Optional parameter in the output

ACTION: Toshi validate if This API may fit within KYC API subproject

ACTION: Scope Enhancement Template should be created → DONE can continue with the discussion

Once the Scope Enhancement is approved the README of the KYC sg need to be updated

DECISION ALready developed approved in the backlog


China Unicom

Scope Enhancement: Name change RegionUserCount

The API template is available #47

There is agreement in the name change so 

DECISION: New repo name is approved



Device Management

The API template is available #30

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



Number Recycling

The API template is available 55

Difference with shutdown service? 

Check the differences.

Shutdown service is not linked to a contract

Probable comon scopes with shutdown service + Number reciclyng + Tenure

For Tenure two APIs have been proposed and differ from this ones (tenure is more refered the client itself rather than devices or mSISDNS)

ACTION: Show the differences/similarities in the next meeting (prepare a slide or two)


API Backlog

Scope Enhancement Template

The API template is available #52

New use cases are usually proposed. Modify the template to show this



Deutsche Telekom

Best Interconnection
The API template is available in PR#381
Input from OGW Drop 3

Seek for support

ACTION: See if there is any overlap within EdgeCloud


T-Mobile US

Capability and Runtime Restrictions
The API template is available in PR#384

It was accepted by the TSC to treat this as a new API

intitial YAML files to be included in the API TEMPLATE

The issue was not treated in this conference call


Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date


20240523-01API Backlog GovernanceRicardo to reach up TelecomXchange, Totogi and Netfocusin Technologies to see if the could connect next meetings23 24 1823/05/2024Open
20240523-02API Backlog Governance/China UnicomOpen an issue within DeviceStatus subproject to check overlaps regarding Shutdown Service Status3423/05/2024Open
20240523-03KDDIToshi validate with KYC participants if Telco Scoring API may fit within KYC familiy4123/05/2024Open
20240523-07DTBest interconnection: Review wether there is overlap with EdgeCloud subproject2023/05/2024Open
20240613-01API Backlog GovernanceRicardo to merge the templates (Device Data Volume and Device Quality indicator19 2813/06/2024Open
20240613-02KDDIShow the differences/similarities between Number recycling and shutdown service/Tenure in the next meeting (prepare a slide or two)5413/06/2024Open

Decision Points

DP #

DP description

Related issue


Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue, Vodafone commited and a third supporter is being queried) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories →  Device Quality Indicator



Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue, Vodafone commited and a third supporter is being queried) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories  →  Device Data Volume



New repo name is approved (Region User Count →  Region Device Count)


Scope Enhancement: KYC-Match API - Scoring logic is approved



Next Backlog conf. call: 27th June, 16-17 UTC+2.

Next TSC conf. call: 20th June, 16-17,30 UTC+2


How does CAMARA API pipeline work?
