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Ludovic Robert

Charter Communications




TelefonicaJorge Garcia Hospital

VodafoneEric Murray Kevin Smith


Thorsten Lohmar


Pierre Close

T-Mobile US

G. Murat Karabulut

KDDIYusuke Nakano





China Telecom 




Huub Appelboom


Reg Cox Mark Cornall


Chunghwa Telecom


Deutsche Telekom




China MobileHaojie Li Keguang He zhangruqian


Mahesh Chapalamadugu


Agenda Proposal

  • Antitrust Policy

  • Approval of minutes of last conf. call

  • Recent Updates & Recap

  • Review of Action Points

  • Discussion


    • OGW Drop #4 APIs:  #35 (5G New Calling),  #50 (Device Management), #63 (IMEI Fraud), #83 #85 #86 #87 (Model as a Service), #91 (Fixed lines in Device Location APIs), #93 (Line Eligibility for Carrier Billing API) 

    • Other APIs:  #17 (Consent and Measurement),  #23 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing),  #24 (Steering of Roaming Information), #66 (network Info),  #68 (Consent URL), #89 (IP High-throughput Elastic Network) 

    • Governance: #4 (Structures and roles, RACI, Maintainers initiative)

  • Closing Issues

    • #20 (Best Interconnection), #22 (Capability and Runtime Restrictions), #19 (Device Quality Indicator), #28 (Device Data Volume), #18 (Receive SMS),  #54 (Number Recycling), #70 (Quality by Design), #34 (Shutdown Service Status), #41 (Telco Scoring), #60 (Dedicated Networks), #66 (network Info), #68 (Consent URL)

  • AoB

  • Q&A

Antitrust Policy

The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LinusFoundation.




New Proposal: Device Quality Indicator

The API template is available in PR#57

Input from OGW Drop 3

Issue #



Status Update


T-Mobile US

Capability and Runtime Restrictions

The API template is available in PR#74

It was accepted by the TSC to treat this as a new API

Initial YAML files to be included in the API TEMPLATE


  • Clarifications will be provided by Murat.

    • Intended to cover these slides but time ran out:

      View file
      and request ‘sandbox creation’. Will update the Issue #22 accordingly.



New Proposal: Receive SMS

The API template is available in PR#75

Seems to fit in the SMS as a new scope enhancement 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

ACTION: Ricardo to formally proceed with the scope enhancement os the SMS group


  • Reminder sent


Deutsche Telekom

Noel proposed Device Status subgroup to integrate their APIs within Noel's. Noel to make the proposal to the API Backlog and provide update

Two proposals Issue 19 and 28 would be integrating within the Device Status subproject The subgroup people is okay with this

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue, Vodafone committed and a third supporter is being queried) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories (deviceStatus) →  Device Quality Indicator

DECISION formal agreement from the Device Status subgroup is required. To be treated in next meeting (Device Status)

DECISION There is agreement Orange, DT and VDF, next backlog meeting there should be the outcome for this issue

Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent

  • All actions complete

  • Issue #19 to be closed. PR #57 already merged.

  • Old Working Groups PR #414 to closed


  • Group to start activity, item to be deleted from closing issue table


Deutsche Telekom

New API Proposal: Device Data Volume

New template in PR#39

Move to TSC, check wether there is support for this API (Interested parties provide comments in the Issue) Both issue 19  and 28 to the DeviceStatus family and separate repositories (deviceStatus) → Device Data Volume

DECISION formal agreement from the Device Status subgroup is required. To be treated in next meeting (Device Status)

DECISION There is agreement Vonage, DT and VDF, next backlog meeting there should be the outcome for this issue

Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent

  • All actions complete

  • Issue #28 to be closed. PR #39 already merged.


  • Group to start activity, item to be deleted from closing issue table


China Unicom

New API Proposal: Shutdown ServiceStatus (SubscriptionStatus)

The API template is available in PR#32

DECISION  Separate Repos should be created but same family (KYC) in order to have coordination meeting

Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent

Included in today's TSC approval.

  • Issue #34 can be closed and PR #32 merged


  • Additional codeOwner required



Number Recycling

The API template is available 55


Pending Codeowners and maintainers (requested in comment)


  • First initial list included, pending only participants from DT



New API proposal - Quality by Design

The API template is available #71

Slides available here: here
YAML available here: here

Proposal is that QbD be a scope enhancement to Connectivity Insights

Will likely require new API, hence new repository required

QdD supporters will attend Connectivity Insights meeting next week to finalise proposal

Awaiting outcome of Connectivity Insights meeting before finalising if new repository required


  • New repo to be created (new separated API) but included into the existing Connectivity insights family. To be confirmed base on the last meeting minutes. As soon as clarified, it will be included in next TSC


  1.  Herbert Damker creates the repo QualityByDesign 

  2.  Ben Hepworth provides user story/ies, → AP

  3. (Project team) Discuss the concept & propose rename → AP

  4.  (TSC) Adjust the name


  • Repo created

  • Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent and issue in discussion



New API Proposal: Telco Scoring

The API template is available PR#42

Input from OGW Drop 4

Presented slides: API-Overview-TelcoScore.pptx

The API seems to not fit within KYC and new sg should be created. Support is required, feel free

Scoring can be calculated both with any user registered in the telco. Less information means less scoring, Algorithm may be different for each of the implementators (MNO)

ACTION: Toshi validate if This API may fit within KYC API family → The issue was raised but still under discussion 

→(Toshi's proposal 20240627) In API Backlog 20240613 meeting, Jorge TEF and Toshi KDDI agreed that the API does not fit within the existing KYC-SP.  Then, in KYC-SP 20240625 meeting, that was shared within KYC-SP and there was no objection.  Closed.

Pending meeting with DT to seek for support.

ACTION Noel to come back to TEF


Telefonica manage to find the support of VDF (Kevin confirmed in the chat also) and DT if no objections. The name should be readressed, Jorge was prposing Telco Index to avoid using legal restrictions for using words "Credit" and "Scoring".

Nick propose Telco Trust → Discussing this in the issue ofline.

Tanja (note in chat on behalf of Release Mgmt): Reminder to not use Telco specific terms in API names. To avoid: Telco, operator, CSP, subscriber, customer, EMEI, UE, etc.  


  • API approved, repo will be created after final name is proposed by the group (email sent)

  • Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent and issue in discussion



New API proposal-Dedicated Networks

The API template is available PR#59

Thorsten presented the proposal: Material here

There have been a similar work in a TMF API. Pierre offered himself to Thorsten to reach up

DECISION New repo/subproject to be created and a family that groups both NSB and DN

ACTION Telefonica providing comments this afternoon and moving to TSC → Action complete

Comments from TEF addressed in Issue PR#60

ACTION: Eric to check with Miranda in Issue PR#60 if her preference is for separate sub-projects, or for DN to join NSB sub-project

No response regarding this, pending to response


Discussion regarding separate or not separate repos.

Telefonica supports having separate repos but having the conversation in the same forum as part of a unified family

DECISION: Move to tsc taking care of this comment and expecting the administrative work to be clarified there. Someone for NSB group (Huawei, China etc.) should be connecting tsc that day at least to be aware of this

ACTION: Thorsten to reach up NSB group by it mailing list proposing to join the TSC meeting. Next TSC meetings: 

19/09/24 at 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST

Meeting Registration / Join

03/10/24 at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST

Meeting Registration / Join


  • API approved, repo to be created

  • Pending to confirm codeowner/maintainers for repo creation, email sent and issue in discussion


Proposal to extend meeting half hour (1:30 total) to accomodate all new APIs and also the track of existing.

@all to comment

Next Backlog conf. call: 10th October, 10-11 CET/UTC+2.
