Open PRs
New APIs - retrieve network type
#158 Create connected-network-type.yaml
Update has been provided with a simplified functionality
Question raised by Joachim Dahlgren about standardized way to retrieve this information.
Add a question about 5G answer - is it SA or NSA ?
#171 Create connected-network-type-subscriptions.yaml
This PR should follow #PR158
Open issues
allOf with description causes code generation error
this structure doesn’t follow the template in commonalities
PR is open
#224 Scope for Spring25 release
Feedback is needed for planned scope and target versions
Linked to 222 discussion
#217 Device Reachability Status - Is it mandatory to support all values?
As I do not see impact on code could we transfer this issue in Discussion?
#212 Support of Multi-SIM lines in DeviceStatus APIs
Eric Murray provided Vodafone feedback for Reachability in the issue thread.
When a group of devices are group under one phone number, and this phone number is queried in the API, then if at least one device is reachable then we consider the number as reachable.
Discussion still open in commonalities
#143 Extend: Device Status Connectivity with Standard
PRs are open
Details about implementation should be provided
#138 How to respond if queried device does not have an active session?
Request documentation enhancement
no update
#115 /Connectivity API there is no indication for which particular subscriber event (DATA/SMS)
no update
The patch release r1.3 was created on 05.11.2024.
Open PRs
#10 [Device Data Volume]: Initial version of api
Review in progress-
close to be done.
Open Issues
Corresponding PR has been created: #10
Release Management
Open PRs
Open Issues
Known use case: client wants to decide, whether a quality boost should be triggered or not (is it worth?)
A mapping of input values to the expected output is needed
Idea: provide current and potential usable network performance
We need more use cases from the product teams
Eric Murray will propose for the next meeting some ideas on how Device Quality Indicator could work.
Can we provide an initial version for Spring25?
M3 (first release candidate) target date: 15.12.2024
Question from Joachim Dahlgren about shifting to v1.0 for some of our API. This is probable in the next meta-release as there are live implementation.Releasetrackers should be created, but first the versions need to be agreed on in DeviceStatus