Spring25 Release
Updated according to the meeting results
Release Tracker created:
Go for stable API version for quality-on-demand and qos-profiles => v1.0.0 as target
qos-provisioning: 0.2.0
Create a release candidate PR with the target date of Friday, January 17th Herbert Damker
Changes suggested for documentation in qos-profiles, e.g. “network operator” → API provider
Mixed up example in line 138 of code/Test_definitions/qod-provisioning-createProvisioning.feature
Split into
test feature issue Jose Luis Urien Pinedo (new issue: https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/394 )
documentation in qos-profiles Randy Levensalor (new issue: https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/393 )
Added to Spring25
to be included in Pr #391 Eric Murray
Added to Spring25
in work in PR #391
Added to Spring25
in work in PR #391
Implementation issue, but no change to the API definition?…. Proposal to close the issue.
Herbert Damker added a comment to the issue, asking the author if the issue can get closed.
Open Pull Requests
Fixes for issues #390 and #392
Further ones: #389
Review by the complete team until
Align with HomeDevicesQoD service class definitions -Ben Hepworth and Randy Levensalor
Review by team if possible until
Continued discussion on proposal to include in QoD or new APISee issue #337 below
Not in scope in Spring25, will be handled in a new Sandbox API Repository
Added to Spring25
Issue in commonalities is resolved, Jose Luis Urien Pinedo proposes to update the description as indicated by Commonalities
PR need to be created to change description for quality-on-demand Jose Luis Urien Pinedo
For qod-provisioning it is more complicated (as there is no session duration), solution to be proposed yet Jose Luis Urien Pinedo
No update, documentation only, could also be handled after RC
Out of scope of Spring25
#362 Support of Multi-SIM lines in QoD APIs (long-term solution)https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/362
No long-term solution to be expected from Commonalities in context in of Spring25
We will stay with the temporary solution introduced with patch release r1.3
#337 Potential enhancement of booking feature for qod-provisionhttps://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/337
Masaharu Hattori Presented it as a new API Proposal to API backlog working group.
Result: APIBacklog proposed to create new Sandbox API Repository, being part of the QualityOnDemand Sub Project
#147 Extend the query capabilities for Qos Profileshttps://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/147
No update, no PR yet → not in scope of Spring25
Still pending feedback
#302 Providing developers with alternate to QoS profile
Not discussed, no No update
No update
Any other topics
Joshua Peng (JCdrawn Mobile) and Arun Madathillponnath (Infosys?) introduced themselves and their interest into the QualityOnDemand APIs shorty.
Next QoD meeting will be on January 24th, at 13:00 UTC / 14:00 CET