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AT&T Pierre Close
CableLabsRandy Levensalor
Charter CommunicationsChris Aubut, Justin Pace, Jason Page
Deutsche TelekomNoel Wirzius
EricssonJan Friman
InfosysChintan Lodariya
HuaweiZhang Kai
NokiaTanja De Groot
Telecom ItaliaFabrizio Moggio
TelefónicaJose Ordonez-Lucena, Jorge García Hospital
VodafoneEric Murray, Kevin Smith

Agenda Proposal

  • Antitrust Policy
  • Approval of minutes of last conf. call
  • Recent Updates & Recap
  • Review of Action Points
  • Discussion
    • OGW Drop 3 APIs: 336, 359, 375, 376
    • Other APIs: 351, 372, 378
    • Governance: 367
  • Action Points
  • AOB
  • Q&A

Antitrust Policy

The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

Image Added

New Procedures in API Backlog WG meetings

A number of improvements are under discussion with leadership team of OGW project (Henry), CAMARA Project (Markus), Product Definition WS (Helene) and TSC (Herbert). As of today, the WG adopted agreements are three:

  1. To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
    • In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
    • Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
  2. New schedule of conf. calls
    • 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11 CET)
    • 4th Thursday of the month (15-16 CET)
  3.  Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them.

Meeting Minutes within Wiki instead of Github

  • CAMARA community agreed that meeting minutes would only be recorded in the wiki

Approval of minutes of last conf. call

  • Minutes of last API backlog WG call available here
    • DECISION: The minutes are approved. 

Recent Updates & Recap

Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

  • Last TSC call held on Jan 18th. Minutes available here.
  • "Device Location retrieval API proposal" was approved
    • ongoing in Device Location repo → issue 343 is closed
  • "Network Slicing API proposal" was approved
    • TSC noted that the proposed sub-project name "on-demand network slicing" was not appropriate. They asked backlog WG to decide on a new sub-project name.
    •  Two options for the sub-project name: 1) Network Slicing Booking; 2) Network Slicing Reservation.
    • Huawei has commented their preference to option 1.

Backlog table

Review of Action Points

APOwnerDescriptionIssueDue DateStatus 


Open a new PR to update governing document for API submission pipeline





WG operators 

Post position on what the scope (mobile-only or mobile+fixed) of "Call Forwarding" API should be



Not pursued


China Unicom, Orange

Submit PRs for their companies to become supporters of the Call Forwarding API





China Unicom

Update the API template on Network Slicing, clarifying the issues covered in the deck and questions covered in the call. 





Current Issues 


China Unicom

New Proposal: Network Slicing API
The API template is available in PR#333

  • The TSC asked for a new name. Two options for the sub-project name: 1) Network Slicing Booking; 2) Network Slicing Reservation.
  • Huawei prefers option 1.
  • Vodafone: soft objection → replace "network slicing" with "network slice". 
    • Huawei agrees.

DECISION: "Network Slice Booking" is the sub-project name. 

ACTION: WG chair to inform TSC on the decision, so that CAMARA admin can proceed with the repo creation. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

330China UnicomNew API proposal: Device Visit Location
The API template is available in PR#329

The issue was not treated in this conf. call. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

336TelefónicaNew API proposal: OGW Home Location Verification
The API template is available in PR#337.
Input from OGW Drop 3
  • Telefonica: we are progressing on step 1 and 2. 
  • TIM: interested in participating in the API (no commitment yet to becoming support).

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

351CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#350.

No delegate from Centillion attended. The issue was not treated in this conf. call. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

359Telecom Italia

New API proposal: Call Forwarding Signal
The API template is available in PR#361.     Input from OGW Drop 3

  • Progress offline in the PR thread since last conf. call. Orange and China Unicom are now supporters. 
  • TIM summarized the discussion and proposes way forward, according to the latest post in the issue. KPN agreed. 

DECISION: API proposal is WG endorsed. The proposed Sub-Project name is Call Forwarding Signal. 

ACTION: to send out information to TSC, asking for API approval. 

ACTION: to seek codeowners/maintainers from Orange and China Unicom. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

The issue was not treated in this conference call. No progress. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

New Proposal: Receive SMS
No PR available.

The issue was not treated in this conference call.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

Closed Issues


New API proposal: Device Location Retrieval                                                      

The API template is available in PR#366.
Input from OGW Drop 3

The API definition is ongoing in Device Location repo.

New Issues


Deutsche Telekom

Device Quality Indicator
The API template is available in PR#380
Input from OGW Drop 3

  • DT presented the template, together with some supporting slides. 
  • DT clarified that it is similar to "connectivity insights", but more focus on device side. 
  • Ericsson: the naming is "device", but the input data also covers network and historical data.
  • Vodafone: the API produces relative quality levels (e.g., low, medium,...) without giving any specific quantitative information/KPIs. How many quality levels do you expect to define?
    • DT: 3 (as traffic lights) or even 5. Open for discussion.
  • DT noted the input params for first version. 
    • Telefónica: some input params seem to be output params of other ongoing APIs (e.g., connectivityInsights,...). Is there a need for operator to implement these ongoing APIs for offering the new API proposal? Or is it just a recommendation
    • DT clarified it is just a recommendation. 

ACTION: to improve and clarify the API proposal, based on discussion during the call.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.


Deutsche Telekom

Best Interconnection
The API template is available in PR#381
Input from OGW Drop 3

  • DT presented the template, together with some supporting slides. 
  • Telefónica asked whether this API proposal is focused/limited to edge, and possible relationship with EdgeCloud repo. 
    • DT: EdgeCloud more focused on cloud nodes, whereas this API proposal focuses on interconnection point. Vodafone agrees.
  • Telefónica: what about relationship with traffic influence API?
    • DT: needs to double check when traffic goes / does not go to the Internet.
    • TIM: The traffic influence is very much mobile oriented. 
  • Telefónica: more info on API input/out params? Is there a plan to standardise the algorithm/formula for API logic, and how to process inputs on links/hops?
    • DT will provide further info. 

ACTION: to improve and clarify the API proposal, based on discussion during the call.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.


Charter Communications

CPE management
The API template is available in PR#379.       First YAML available here.

Charter Communications presented a slide deck to elaborate on API proposal. There was no time to really discuss the topic, since we ran out of time . We will resume the discussion next call. 

ACTION: to submit the deck here, and link it to the issue. 

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

Action Points

APOwnerDescriptionIssueDue DateStatus 

Charter Communications

o submit the deck here, and link it to the issue. 





Deutsche Telekom

to improve and clarify the API proposal, based on discussion during the call.





Deutsche Telekom

to improve and clarify the API proposal, based on discussion during the call.





Telecom Italia

to seek codeowners/maintainers from Orange and China Unicom. 



20230125-02TelefónicaTo send out information to TSC, asking for API approval. 3592024/01/25Open
20230125-01TelefónicaTo inform TSC on the decision of Sub-Project name, so that CAMARA admin can proceed with the repo creation3172024/01/25Open

Decision Points


API proposal is WG endorsed. The proposed Sub-Project name is Call Forwarding Signal.



"Network Slice Booking" is the sub-project name. 



Next conf. call: 8th February, 10-11 CET.


How does CAMARA API pipeline work?

The pipeline consists of FOUR stages:
A. Submission of the API proposal.
B. Evaluation of the API proposal.
C. API proposal voting & decision.
D. Sub-Project setup.

The following clauses provides details on individual stages.

Stage A: Submission of the API proposal

Participants: API owner.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. To proceed with the submission, the API owner shall follow these steps:

  1. Fill in the template available here and save it with the following name: "APIproposal_<APIname>_<owner>. md" locally.
  2. Create a new issue in the API Backlog Working Group repository, labeled with "API Backlog".
  3. Upload the filled-in template to GitHub repository folder for API proposals via Pull Request. This Pull Request shall be associated to the issue created in the previous step.

Stage B: Evaluation of the API proposal

Participants: API owner, API backlog WG.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. Upon submission, the API owner will present the proposal in the next API backlog WG meeting, to socialize it with the rest of partners. In paralell..

  1. The WG chair checks that the template is duly filled in. Otherwise, the API owner is requested to provide missing information.
  2. After this sanity check, each WG participant declares their support. If a company wants to become supporter of an API, then a delegate of this company needs to add the company's name in the 'supporters' column in the API backlog table. The more support an API proposal gets, the better (it may get more traction).
  3. When the API owner considers the API proposal is in good shape to go for approval, it informs the WG chair accordingly.
  4. Upon receiving this information, the WG chair merges the Pull Request into the main branch, and sends the API proposal to the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of CAMARA. This action shall be completed at least one week prior to the TSC meeting where the API proposal will be voted upon.

The whole procedure (steps 1-4) should be done within 2 regular meetings of the API Backlog WG. Nonetheless, it is up to the API owner to decide if it wants to shorten or extend this time period.

Stage C: API proposal & voting decision

Participants: TSC.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. Upon receiving the API proposal and notification from the API backlog WG chair, the TSC studies the proosal and votes it at the next TSC meeting.

NOTE 1: Possible decisions outcomes:

  • Not Accepted: The API proposal is rejected, and thus will not be included in any API Sub-Project. The TSC will need to inform the API backlog WG of this decision, and clarify next steps: either (1) remove this API proposal from backlog, with objecting companies providing justifications why; or (2) ask for changes (e.g., clarifications, corrections, gaps to be addressed) required in order for the API to be re-submitted by the API supporters.
  • Accepted: In this case, the TSC shall specify whether the API proposal is to be hosted by a new or existing Sub Project.

NOTE 2: The TSC may also propose changes to an API proposal and take the decision considering these changes. The TSC documents the decision in the CAMARA API overview list (fills in columns TSC date and TSC decision / Sub Project; in case of a No-Go "Rejected" is documented there).

Stage D: Sub-Project setup

Participants: API backlog WG, TSC, CAMARA admin team
Description: If an API proposal is accepted and there is a neeed to open a new Sub-Project, the following steps are needed:

  1. Supporting companies propose their initial maintainers to be added for the Sub-Project. The API backlog WG chair centralizes this information, and sends it to the TSC.
  2. The TSC will use this input to oficially nominate the initial maintainers by next TSC meeting.
  3. The CAMARA admin team creates the Sub-Project repository.

NOTE: After the initial maintainers are nominated, the criteria for further maintainers would be three months of active contribution to the sub project. Code owners are to be decided by the maintainers within the subproject.