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OrangeLudovic Robert 
Charter Communications

Christopher Aubut Justin Pace

VodafoneEric Murray 
EricssonJan Friman 
AT&TPierre Close 
DTNoel Wirzius
T-Mobile US
KDDIToshi Wakayama 
SlagenDagoberto Garavito 
NokiaTanja de Groot 
China TelecomDan Xu
KPNHuub Appelboom


  • Antitrust Policy
  • Approval of minutes of last conf. call
  • Recent Updates & Recap
  • Review of Action Points
  • Discussion
    • OGW Drop #3 APIs:  #375 (Device Quality Indicator)
    • OGW Drop #4 APIs #409 (Verified Caller)
    • Other APIs #351 (Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement), #372 (Receive SMS),  #395 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing),  #395 (Steering of Roaming Information), #416 (Call Status), #412 (Device Data Volume)
    • Governance: #367 (Structures and roles, RACI, Maintainers initiative)
  • Closing Issues
    •   #336 (OGW Home Location Verification), #330  (Device Visit Location), #376 (Best Interconnection), #378 (Customer Premise Equipment Management), #383 (Capability and Runtime Restrictions), #402 #404 (QoD subgroup scope Change)
  • Action Points
  • AOB
  • Q&A


New Procedures in API Backlog WG meetings

A number of improvements are under discussion with leadership team of OGW project (Henry), CAMARA Project (Markus), Product Definition WS (Helene) and TSC (Herbert). As of today, the WG adopted agreements are three:

  1. To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
    • In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
    • Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
  2. New schedule of conf. calls **The meetings are to be held by Linux Foundation (Links available at GitHub and Confluence Backlog front pages)
    • 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11 CET)
    • 4th Thursday of the month (15-16 CET)
  3.  Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them. 

Meeting Minutes within Wiki instead of Github


Approval of minutes of last conf. call

  • Minutes of last API backlog WG call available here
    • DECISION: Approved

Recent Updates & Recap

TSC meeting 18th April:


  • Keep the pull request in the old repo and the new entering ones move them to the new repo
  • Issues will be moved to the new repo

Backlog table

Review of Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date



WG delegates

Delegates from interested parties to prepare a list of questions for this API, for Nick to answer them.






To draft a simple figure illustrating the API logic with a high-level workflow, and attach it to the PR.  






Ricardo to share the RACI in the issue 367 comments, after making CAMARA specific document and validation by TSC




20240411-01Deustche TelekomNoel updating proposal with new fields. Start in parallel while device status API is split375


20240411-02API Backlog GovernanceApprove ScopeEnhancementAPI proposal for QoD (PR#403)402 404


Open. PR is approved. needs to be merged
20240411-03Telefonica&DTModify the README for the QualityOnDemand subproject and include the new Scope enhancement402 404




351CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#386.

  • AP 20230208-01 still open.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

Nick will be working within next weeks on providing what camara can work on within this API

ACTION: Next API Backlog, Nick will bring new use cases and endpoints



Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

Ricardo is currently working on modeling a new table

New WoW 3 companies needed

Nick propose to focus more in the Commercial viability of the proposal in orther to rise up interest of other companies

Huub points out the sensibility of posting commercial strategies within this type of forums as many companies are potential competitors

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

372TotogiNew Proposal: Receive SMS
The API template is available in PR#391

This issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated


Deutsche Telekom

New Proposal: Device Quality Indicator
The API template is available in PR#380
Input from OGW Drop 3

Noel proposed Device Status subgroup to integrate their APIs within Noel's. Noel to make the proposal to the API Backlog and provide update

Two proposals Isue 375 and 412 would be integrating within the Device Status subproject

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.



New Proposal: Carrier Wholesale Pricing
The API template is available in PR#393

First YAML avaliable here

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated


Netfocusin Technologies

New Proposal: Steering of Roaming Management
The API template is available in PR#398

Does not seem to be in the Scope of Camara. 

DECISION: Discuss this in the next meeting (whenever Netfocusin Technologies is able to connect)


China Telecom

New API proposal: Verified Caller 

The API template is available in PR#410

Input from OGW Drop 4

Eric: Is the initial customer making a call to the API to show the brand to clients?

Jason: Yes, it would be eg the hospital or the bank.

Not limited to mobile lines.

Start by API aproach and then include de registration flows and interworkings

All the information need to be preprovided in the systems for the API to work (templates)

Verified call can not be spufed or faked by criminals as there is the mobile number

ACTION: Include in the template that the scope is not limited to mobile lines

ACTION: Include the shared slides in the template as supporting documents


Deutsche Telekom

New API Proposal: Device Data Volume

The Template was merged by mistake PR#411, The PR needs to be updated

The two APIs will be treated as new proposals that will be presented to the TSC when ready in BL

ACTION: Reopen the closed pull request or make a new one with the existing files



New API Proposal: Call Status


330China UnicomNew API proposal: Device Visit Location
The API template is available in PR#329

China Unicom and Telefonica to create a single family for both API: Location Insights, Use historical informations to manage location information of the user.


    • API de Device Visit Location (china unicom)
    • Most Frequent Location (telefonica & TIM)
336TelefónicaNew API proposal: OGW Home Location Verification
The API template is available in PR#337.
Input from OGW Drop 3

China Unicom and Telefonica to create a single family for both APIs: Location Insights, Use historical informations to manage location information of the user.

TIM is supporting Home Location Verification but changing the name so to reach a wider scope. 


    • API de Device Visit Location (china unicom)
    • Most Frequent Location (telefonica & TIM)

Deutsche Telekom

Best Interconnection
The API template is available in PR#381
Input from OGW Drop 3

The issue was not treated in this conference call. Noel aplogized in advance and suggested to wait till April first week TSC meeting to move on with this API



Charter Communications

CPE management
The API template is available in PR#379.       First YAML available here.

CPE Management API proposal was approved by TSC.

Ricardo has to provide the CODEOWNERS and initial MAINTAINERS to the TSC. This have been provided within Issue#378_comment

HomeDevicesQoD owners queried to have this API in a separated github project despite having regular meetings to align common terms (API Family). This involves having more than one CODEOWNER for this API (no further problem)

New github subproject to be created: Home Devices - Network Access Management 

DECISION: GiutHub repo name approved


T-Mobile US

Capability and Runtime Restrictions
The API template is available in PR#384

It was accepted by the TSC to treat this as a new API

intitial YAML files to be included in the API TEMPLATE

The issue was not treated in this conference call

402 404


Scope Change: QoD API

The API template is available in PR#403

 Noel: (mobileQoD to QoD change) Consider the combination or relationship between QoD and CPE/Home Devices subproject

Eric: (provision) difficult to ensure a pfile characteristic (throughput, latency) for a long time. Let's discuss in the subgroup.

Also, shall same mechanism apply to HomeQoD? to be brought tto Home QoD subgroup.

DECISION: Both approved

New Issues


Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date


20240425-01API Backlog GovernanceTo include Chris as a Codeowner in the new API Backlog Repo--


20240425-02CentillinonNext API Backlog meeting, Nick to bring new use cases and endpoints351


20240425-03China TelecomInclude in the template that the scope is not limited to mobile lines and the shared slides in the template as supporting documents409



Decision Points

DP #

DP description

Related issue


Next Backlog conf. call: 9th May, 10-11 UTC+2.

Next TSC conf. call: 2nd May, 10-11,30 UTC+2


How does CAMARA API pipeline work?
