Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contentstoc


Review closed (2024-04-30) - approved content move to Meta-release Milestones page. - this page is kept to resolve comments and will be archived.


Please review the first table on this page - proposal is that it replaces the table on CAMARA Release Process page.

The tables below it are the ORIGINAL and other, so-far not-retained table reformatting.

LATEST move milestone name to Actions column

the Meta-release Milestones page.

Milestone / start date

Actors & Actions for next milestone


Week Nr


Release Management

  • Prepare meta-release page
  • Request TSC to declare kickoff

Commonalities & ICM (from previous M2)

  • Prepare release scope definition for meta-release.
  • Implement scope in one or more alpha releases


  • Declare meta-release kickoff


Meta-release kickoff

starts @ M0

Release Management

(before M0)

  • Send kick-off message to
Notify Outreach Committee
  • Once available, check the final alpha release of Commonalities & ICM and, if OK, submit to TSC for approval
  • After TSC approval, announce M1 milestone

Commonalities & ICM

Finalize release
  • Define the scope
  • for meta-release.
    • Record scope in dedicated GitHub issue.
    • Submit scope issue for TSC review
  • Develop Commonalities & ICM scope through one or more alpha
  • Create final alpha
releases PRs for TSC review:If OK: create
  • release PR and submit to Release Management
  • After TSC approval, create approved final alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
Send Commonalitie & ICM alpha release message to


  • Approve final alpha
  • release PRs of Commonalities & ICM
2 weeks


Alpha Commonalities & ICMM0 + 2 weeks2
starts @ M1

Commonalities & ICM

  • Fix bugs raised by users through one or more release-candidates
  • Update release tracker on
  • Create final release-
candidates PRs for
  • candidate PR and submit to Release Management
  • After TSC approval
If approved
  • :
    • Create the final release-
    • candidate for Commonalities & ICM
Prepare public
    • Update the meta-release
    • page for Commonalities & ICM
for M5
    • with release-candidate tag

Release Management

  • Check final release-candidate PRs of Commonalities and ICM and, if OK, submit to TSC for approval
  • After TSC approval, and commit of Commonalities and ICM final release-candidate PRs, announce M2 milestone


Approval of
  • Approve final release-
  • candidate PRs of Commonalities & ICM
7 weeks


Release-candidate Commonalities & ICMM1 +
7 weeks
starts @ M1

API Sub-projects

  • Create API release tracking page for the API if it does not yet exist
  • Create API release tracker for the API version to be released
  • Define scope of API release
  • :
    • Record scope in dedicated GitHub issue.
    • Submit scope for TSC review
Create API
    • Update the release tracker
for the API version

(back to 1 column for actions) add actor and split groups of actions per actore


Actors & Actions for next milestone


Week Nr

M0 - meta-release kickoffM00

Release Management

  • Prepare meta-release page

Commonalities & ICM

  • Define scope of release.
    • Record scope in dedicated GitHub issue.
    • Submit scope for TSC review
  • Develop Commonalities & ICM scope through one or more alpha release(s)
  • Update release tracker on target meta-release page with each alpha release
  • Submit final alpha releases PRs for TSC review:
  • If OK: create final alpha releases for Commonalities & ICM


  • Review final alpha releases PRs of Commonalities & ICM
2 weeks

M1 - Draft Commonalities & ICM

M0 + 2 weeks2

Commonalities & ICM

  • Fix bugs raised by users through one or more release-candidates
  • Update release tracker on target meta-release page with each release-candidate
  • Submit final release-candidates PRs for TSC approval
  • If approved:
  • Create final release-candidates for Commonalities & ICM
  • Prepare public-release PR for Commonalities & ICM for M5


  • Approval of final release-candidates PRs of Commonalities & ICM
10 weeks

M2 - Final Commonalities & ICM

M1 + 10 weeks12

API Sub-projects

  • Define scope of API release.
    • Record scope in dedicated GitHub issue.
    • Submit scope for TSC review
  • Create API release tracker for the API version
  • Develop API scope through one or more alpha release(s)
  • Update the API release tracker with each alpha release
  • Submit final alpha API release PR for TSC review:
  • If OK: create final alpha releases for the API


  • Review final alpha API release PR
8 weeks

M3 - Draft APIs

M1 + 8 weeks

    • with the scope issue link
  • Develop API scope through one or more alpha release(s)
  • Update the API release tracker with each alpha release
  • Submit final alpha API release PR for TSC review:
  • If OK: create final alpha releases for the API
  • TSC

    • Review final alpha API release PR
    8 weeks


    Alpha APIs

    M1 + 8 weeks

    10starts @ M3

    API Sub-projects

    • Fix bugs raised by API testers through one or more release-candidates
    • Update API release tracker with each release-candidate
    • Submit final API release-candidates PR for TSC approval
    • If approved:
      • Create final API release-candidate
      • Prepare API public-release PR for M5


    • Approval of final API release-candidate PR
    10 weeks


    Release-candidate APIs

    M3 + 10 weeks


    starts @ M2 for Commonalities & ICM

    starts @ public-release PR for an API

    Release Management (this can start for each item, whenever the item public-release PR is made available)

    • For Commonalities and ICM, check that all release assets are available in the public-release PR
    • If OK: approve creation of public-release of Commonalities and ICM
    • For each API release-candidate, check that all release assets are available in the API public-release PR
    • Propose meta-release content to TSC
    • On TSC approval, 
      • notify approval on
      • notify Outreach Committee
      • publish the meta-release information
      • send meta-release announcement to all CAMARA 


    • Meta-release approval

    Commonalities & ICM

    • Publish new release through approved PR
    • Update public-release information on meta-release plan

    API Sub-projects

    • Publish new API release through approved PR
    • Update API release tracker to reflect public-release API version & tag
    2 weeks


    Meta-releaseM4 + 2 weeks22starts @ M5

    Release Management

    • Review release process with teams and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Propose improvements for TSC approval


    • Meta-release improvements approval.
    2 weeks


    Post ReleaseM5 + 2 weeks24





    Week number




    • Scope of Work Products clarified  and recorded in dedicated issue.
    • Identify commonalities work products.
    • Create alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
    • Create initial PRs for commonalities.
    • Agree on the scope of commonalities.
    • TSC review.




    • Create release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
    • Prepare public-release for Commonalities & ICM.
    • Complete initial PR reviews.
    • TSC Approval.




    • Scope Request to Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Determine requirements for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Create PRs for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Review and finalize PRs.
    • Confirm scope of Sub-projects / APIs 
    • Define API test cases.
    • Define acceptance criteria.
    • Create alpha release for for Sub-projects / APIs.


    M1 + 8 weeks




    • Conduct testing and log test result.
    • Evaluate and log acceptance criteria.
    • Code Freeze
    • Create release-candidate for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Prepare public-release for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Request approval of Sub-projects / APIs to Release Management WG for meta-release


    M3 + 10 weeks




    • Determine the acceptance of the release-candidates for inclusion in the meta-release
    • Bundle & publish meta-release
    • TSC Approval
    • Publish meta-release




    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.


    • Create first release-candidate PR and submit to Release Management
    • After Release Management approval:
      • Create first release-candidate for the API
      • Update the API release tracker with the release-candidate tag

    Release Management, for each API

    • Once available, check the API release-candidate PR
    • If OK, approve creation of first release-candidate
    • If NOK, or in case of questions, notify TSC for checking the API release-candidate PR
    • Announce M3 milestone with all approved API release-candidates.


    • Review API release-candidate PRs on request of Release Management and approve (or reject)
    9 weeks


    Release-candidate APIs (Code Freeze)

    M1 + 9 weeks

    starts @ M3

    API Sub-projects

    • Fix bugs raised by API testers through one or more release-candidates
    • Update API release tracker with each release-candidate
    • Submit
    final API
    • public-release
    • PR to Release Management for checking
    • After TSC approval
    If approved
    • :
      • Create
    final API release-candidatePrepare
      • API public-release
    PR for M5


    Approval of final
      • Update the API release
    -candidate PR10 weeks

    M4 - Final APIs

    M3 + 10 weeks


    Release Management

    For Commonalities and ICM, check that all release assets are available in the
      • tracker with public-release tag

    Release Management

    • Once available, check API public-release PR
  • If OK: approve creation of public-release of Commonalities and ICM
  • For each API release-candidate, check that all release assets are available in the API public-release PR
  • Propose meta-release content to TSC
  • TSC meta-release approval
  • Publish the meta-release
  • 2 weeks

    M5 - Meta Release

    M4 + 2 weeks22

    Release Management

    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Get inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.
    2 weeks

    M6 - Post Release

    M5 + 2 weeks24





    Week number




    • Scope of Work Products clarified  and recorded in dedicated issue.
    • Identify commonalities work products.
    • Create alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
    • Create initial PRs for commonalities.
    • Agree on the scope of commonalities.
    • TSC review.




    • Create release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
    • Prepare public-release for Commonalities & ICM.
    • Complete initial PR reviews.
    • TSC Approval.




    • Scope Request to Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Determine requirements for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Create PRs for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Review and finalize PRs.
    • Confirm scope of Sub-projects / APIs 
    • Define API test cases.
    • Define acceptance criteria.
    • Create alpha release for for Sub-projects / APIs.


    M1 + 8 weeks




    • Conduct testing and log test result.
    • Evaluate and log acceptance criteria.
    • Code Freeze
    • Create release-candidate for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Prepare public-release for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Request approval of Sub-projects / APIs to Release Management WG for meta-release


    M3 + 10 weeks




    • Determine the acceptance of the release-candidates for inclusion in the meta-release
    • Bundle & publish meta-release
    • TSC Approval
    • Publish meta-release




    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.


    Insert separate milestone lines




    Week number


    • Scope of Work Products clarified  and recorded in dedicated issue.
    • Identify commonalities work products.
    • Create alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
    • Create initial PRs for commonalities.
    • Agree on the scope of commonalities.
    • TSC review.




    • Create release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
    • Prepare public-release for Commonalities & ICM.
    • Complete initial PR reviews.
    • TSC Approval.




    • Scope Request to Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Determine requirements for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Create PRs for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Review and finalize PRs.
    • Confirm scope of Sub-projects / APIs 
    • Define API test cases.
    • Define acceptance criteria.
    • Create alpha release for for Sub-projects / APIs.




    M1 + 8 weeks


    • Conduct testing and log test result.
    • Evaluate and log acceptance criteria.
    • Code Freeze
    • Create release-candidate for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Prepare public-release for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Request approval of Sub-projects / APIs to Release Management WG for meta-release




    M3 + 10 weeks


    • Determine the acceptance of the release-candidates for inclusion in the meta-release
    • Bundle & publish meta-release
    • TSC Approval
    • Publish meta-release




    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.




    separate action in 2 columns (but would need a 3rd for RM actions)


    Actions Commonalities & ICM


    Actions API Sub-projects




    Week Nr


    • Scope of Work Products clarified  and recorded in dedicated issue.
    • Identify commonalities work products.
    • Create alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
    • Create initial PRs for commonalities.
    • Agree on the scope of commonalities.
    • TSC review.




    • Create release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
    • Prepare public-release for Commonalities & ICM.
    • Complete initial PR reviews.
    • TSC Approval.




    • Scope Request to Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Determine requirements for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Create PRs for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Review and finalize PRs.
    • Confirm scope of Sub-projects / APIs 
    • Define API test cases.
    • Define acceptance criteria.
    • Create alpha release for for Sub-projects / APIs.




    M1 + 8 weeks


    • Conduct testing and log test result.
    • Evaluate and log acceptance criteria.
    • Code Freeze
    • Create release-candidate for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Prepare public-release for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Request approval of Sub-projects / APIs to Release Management WG for meta-release




    M3 + 10 weeks


    • Determine the acceptance of the release-candidates for inclusion in the meta-release
    • Bundle & publish meta-release
    • TSC Approval
    • Publish meta-release




    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.




    merge milestone and milestone name columns


    Actions Commonalities & ICM

    Actions API Sub-projects


    Week Nr

    M0 - meta-release kickoffM00
    • Scope of Work Products clarified and recorded in dedicated issue.
    • Identify commonalities work products.
    • Create alpha release for Commonalities & ICM
    • Create initial PRs for commonalities.
    • Agree on the scope of commonalities.
    • TSC review.
    2 weeks

    M1 - Initial Commonalities & ICM

    M0 + 2 weeks2
    • Create release-candidate for Commonalities & ICM
    • Prepare public-release for Commonalities & ICM.
    • Complete initial PR reviews.
    • TSC Approval.
    10 weeks

    M2 - Final   Commonalities & ICM

    M1 + 10 weeks12
    • Scope Request to Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Determine requirements for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Create PRs for Sub-projects / APIs.
    • Review and finalize PRs.
    • Confirm scope of Sub-projects / APIs 
    • Define API test cases.
    • Define acceptance criteria.
    • Create alpha release for for Sub-projects / APIs.
    8 weeks

    M3 - Initial                  Sub-projects / APIs

    M1 + 8 weeks

    • Conduct testing and log test result.
    • Evaluate and log acceptance criteria.
    • Code Freeze
    • Create release-candidate for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Prepare public-release for Sub-Projects / APIs.
    • Request approval of Sub-projects / APIs to Release Management WG for meta-release
    10 weeks

    M4 - Final                    Sub-projects / APIs

    M3 + 10 weeks

    • Determine the acceptance of the release-candidates for inclusion in the meta-release
    • Bundle & publish meta-release
    • TSC Approval
    • Publish meta-release
    2 weeks

    M5 - Meta Release

    M4 + 2 weeks22
    • Review release process and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Release Retro.
      • Inputs from Sub Projects
    • TSC Approval.
    2 weeksM6 - Post Release
    • and, if OK, submit to TSC for approval
    • Announce M4 milestone when all API public-releases are approved by TSC


    • Approval of API public-release PR for all proposed APIs
    9 weeks


    Public-release APIs

    M3 + 9 weeks


    starts @ public-release PR for an API

    Release Management

    • Check that all API release trackers are updated for the meta-release
    • Propose meta-release content to TSC
    • After TSC approval, publish the meta-release
    • Announce the M5 meta-release on 


    • Meta-release approval
    2 weeks


    Meta-releaseM4 + 2 weeks20
    starts @ M5

    Release Management

    • Review release process with all teams and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Propose improvements for TSC approval


    • Meta-release improvements approval.
    2 weeks


    Post Release AssessmentM5 + 2 weeks24