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(parts in italics are from last meeting notes, just as reference/starting point of the discussion)

Attendees & Representation


Community: Jose Luis Urien Pinedo Andrew Wajs Rafal Artych Gervais-Martial Ngueko Akos Hunyadi Herbert Damker David Butler Eric Murray , Joachim Dahlgren, Emil Zhang, P. Das


  • Antitrust Policy
  • Review of previous meeting minutes
    • Agreed
  • General Topics
    • Overall project
    • New Issues
    • Open PRs
    • Existing Issues
  • Any Other Topics


Overall project

  • David Butler (BBC Research and Development) new in the sub project
  • Release v0.3.0 of Commonalities is available
    • New issue for X-Correlator to be created → → Herbert will create an issue
    • Review of Linting rules implementation → ...→ Herbert will create an issue
    • Other aspects covered by #244 and #245
  • DT provided an update of its provider implementation in
    • Based on v0.10.0-rc1, based on final release will follow


  • #267 Polling for statusInfo in GET /sessions/{sessionId} not possible
    • Bug within v0.10.0,
    • Two alternatives to resolve:
      • Remove statusInfo from this note → would lead to v0.10.1 (change in documentation)
        • Herbert will prepare a PR against release-0.10.0 branch
        • But we will wait with a patch release in case there will be further issues and/or clarifications of documentation for v0.10.x
      • Add the statusInfo to the GET /sessions/{sessionId} - response → will be done in v0.11.0
    • Document in issue Herbert Damker 

Existing Issues (without backlog, order reversed)

  • #101 List endpoint for active sessions of authenticated user
    • At least two different use cases...
      • not discussed due to missing time, put in next call on top
        • As described originally within the issue: API consumer wants to get a list of open sessions across different subscribers
          • within result would be only session created by the API consumer itself
          • Herbert: in this case the API consumer will not get additional (personal) information from this endpoint which they haven't received already earlier (during session creation). Potentially possible with 2-legged token?
        • Use case added by Jose: API consumer wants to get a list of sessions which are (potentially) already opened for a specific device
          • Would require a 3-legged token and potentially consent from end-user?
      • Discussion to be continued within the issue
    • #166 Extend QoS Profile queries to list profiles based on specific users or devices
      • not discussed due to missing time, put in next call on top
      • Discussion updated by Emil and Jose...
      • #265 to be done first (split of APIs)
      • More clarifications on subscription will be added by Emil
      • Description of parameters/filters within the issue needed
    • #194 Add Application Function Id (afId) or Sponsor Id
      • OperateAPIs (Onboarding) has the concept of application
      • No concept for applicationId yet in ICM?
      • Action: Syed will open an issue within I&CM and refer to our issueSyed opened the issue under identity and consent management project camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement#126
      • ...
    • #238 Updating the project scope in the ReadMe
      • Change need to be communicated back to API Backlog, TSC, and OGW Product team to ensure a consistent communication
      • Agreement: reopen PR for review after MWC is over
      • ...PR will be reopened after MWC (see previous minutes)
    • #244 Align securitySchemes and security of QOD API spec with IdentityAndConsentManagement
      • Agreement: first do the split as agreed in #265
      • Note from Eric: wildcard scope will not apply to Client Credentials
      • #265 to be done first (split of APIs)
    • #245 Update and enhance test definition file for QOD API
      • Should consider
      • Telefonica is working on test definitions, Orange is working in Device Location on it as well
      • After it's done for these APIs, can contribute also for QoD
      • Work in Device Location ongoing. Probably next week some issue will be opened in Commonalities (and TSC about GSMA Certification)
    • #249 Duration in QosProfile and SessionInfo
      • Keep "seconds" for duration within QoS createSession and align QoS Profile (at least min/max Duration)
      • Rafal: Commonalities discuss "duration" in #137 (Commonalities) using RFC 3339 (value and unit in one string), will be used in OAS 3.1
      • Remove the lower and upper limit from createSession, they are replaced by minDuration and maxDuration in QoS Profile definition
      • See previous minutes.
      • #265 to be done first
    • #257 Error behaviour when session cannot be created due to "time cap" limitation
        Agreed within last call to be in scope of v0.11.0
      • PR will be created by Jose.
    • #265 Proposal to split QoS Sessions and QoS Profiles into two separate API definitions
      • Common schema should be defined only once in a common file, either in sub project of from Commonalities
        • Process and script needed to create one bundled specification file for distribution (run after every merge)
        • To be discussed: use of (which) released version from Commonalities
      • Agreement in last meeting: to do the split
      • ...
      • Jose will prepare a PR next week, just the split without any further changes (incl. copying schemas, decision about common file later)

    Any other topics

    • Next QoD will be on March 8th, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC
