Meta-release | Spring25 | choose one |
API name | kyc-match | API name in lower-kebab-case |
Target version | 0.3.0 | major.minor.patch version. Do NOT update with patch version |
Repository | KnowYourCustomer | short link to API repository |
Group | KnowYourCustomer | short link to Sandbox/Sub-Project Confluence wiki home page |
Maturity | initial | choose one |
Scope | | short link to API scope GitHub issue |
API version<OAS version field> | 0.3.0-rc.1 | OAS definition version field of the last (pre-)release. Update with patch release |
M3 date | yyyy2025-mm02-dd13 | update mandatory with final M3 pre-release date |
Pre-release | <short tag link>r2.1 | update with each alpha and rc pre-release tag |
M4 date | yyyy-mm-dd | update mandatory with M4 public release date |
Public release | <short tag link> | update with M4 public release tag or patch release tag |
Patch date | | update with each patch release date, if applicable |
RM reviews<issue link> | M3: #144 - ok M4: #186 | RM review issue link(s). Add for M3 and M4. |
Comments | free text | |
New | no | choose one. Use yes if it is the first time the API is part of a meta-release, else use no. |
Contacts | Toshi Wakayama Fernando Prado Cabrillo | use @name format |