Organization | Name |
Orange | |
Charter Communications | |
CableLabs | |
Telefonica | |
Vodafone | Eric Murray Ali Gilani Kevin Smith Surajj Jaggernath |
Ericsson | |
AT&T | |
T-Mobile US | |
KDDI | |
Slagen | |
Nokia | |
China Telecom | |
ZTE | |
KPN | |
GSMA | Reg Cox |
Centilion | |
Chunghwa Telecom | |
Deutsche Telekom | Hasan Yildirim |
MTN | |
China Mobile | |
Verizon | |
PlektonLabs | |
TIM | |
NTT | Haruka Eitoku |
To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
New schedule of conf. calls **The meetings are to be held by Linux Foundation (Links available at GitHub and Confluence Backlog front pages)
2nd Thursday of the month (9-10:30 UTC)
4th Thursday of the month (15-16:30 UTC)
Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them.
New API proposals are included in backlog table when template PR is created, linking to the pending PR
PR will be merged as soon as ready for TSC, and should be merged before TSC review
API enhancements requires existing group’s validation. TSC is informed accordingly to validate
Link and status in backlog table will be updated accordingly
Issue to track API onboarding will be opened once new API is confirmed in TSC.
Approval of minutes of last conf. call
GSMA informed CAMARA Backlog that Open Gateway is considering certain Drop2/3/4 APIs that have been stuck in Backlog, “at risk”, due to lack of support. What this means is that GSMA is pushing our MNOs to actively reconsider within the next 2 weeks if they can support them. By raising it in the Backlog meeting we increase the chance to find enough support to “reactivate” progress.
Best Interconnect
For clarity if any API is not a priority for OGW anymore at this point in time, we still expect they can progress independently in CAMARA.
Issue # | Company | Summary | Status Update | ||||
Centillion | New Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement The API template is available in PR#73. | Published new standards, Next meeting (this time) Nick will bring all the documentation and present everything putted together The issue is not eligible to be closed yet. Pending to provide a concrete API description into the API proposal template Action: Clarifying with interested parties whether this may be a possible API or a Framework etc. AP: provide required information and examples MEETING UPDATE: No update | |||||
TelecomsXChange | New Proposal: Carrier Wholesale Pricing The API template is available in PR#77 First YAML available here | The issue was not treated in this conference call The issue is not eligible to be closed yet. ACTION: Backlog Governance to reach up TelecomXchange to see if the could connect next meetings MEETING UPDATE: No update | |||||
Netfocusin Technologies | New Proposal: Steering of Roaming Management The API template is available in PR#78
| Does not seem to be in the Scope of Camara. Not an east-west (not between telcos) Already included in 3GPP as technical viable (provided in comment) The issue is not eligible to be closed yet. ACTION: Check for support/commitment from the partners (technical implementation approach important) Meeting Update: No update | |||||
China Mobile | 5G New Calling The API template is available PR#31 | Telefonica and Vodafone willing to see the presentation to check whether there is support for this To be treated in next session (still pending for providing extra info) Presentation of current proposal was shared in the meeting. Slides to be included in PR#31. G. Murat Karabulut asked about the proposal been part of WebRTC enhancement or new API → new API. Eric Murray asked about examples of 3rd parties in this API flow → app invoquing API to request or activate features, which can be enabled or not by the telco. Mark Cornall raised the existance of a 5G New Calling project in GSMA: https://www.gsma.com/get-involved/gsma-foundry/5g-new-calling/ & 5GNCTF Meeting#1 ACTION: Operators open to comment/ask for clarification and support the API. Eric Murray asks for user stories that can explain the behaviour of the proposed API, as not clear how this interacts with the proper 5G New Calling standard and how it solves the features that are proposed. AP for Haojie Li https://github.com/camaraproject/WebRTC/issues/52 to discuss in WebRTC about relationship new information to be uploaded and treated in next session Recommendation is that China Mobile join regular WebRTC call to discuss 5G New Calling proposal there. MEETING UPDATE: No updates | |||||
Verizon | Device Management The API template is available PR#30 | The issue was not treated in this conference call The issue is not eligible to be closed yet. Action to contact Verizon to ensure participation in next backlog meeting API proposal presented by Mahesh Chapalamadugu , clarified this proposal is targeted for IoT device management to activate/deactivate/manage the connection of those devices. ACTION:Mahesh Chapalamadugu to upload current yaml for clarification in PR#30, and present again in next meeting. Mahesh Chapalamadugu AP to upload documentation Slides presented by Mahesh Chapalamadugu & @joshua Slide will be uploaded and reviewed offline before approval MEETING UPDATE: Review match with other Device management APIs (home devices or similar) and IoT/Device status (AP Backlog: contact Mahesh) Also ensure this is a proper telco capacity to be consumed by developers, in comparison with Operate API (TM Forum) that are related to Aggregators. | |||||
MTN | New API proposal - IMEI Fraud The API template is available PR#64 | This API was presented already and included in an existing group but no work was done so discontinued. Now Rebecca is presenting the proposal seeking for support DeviceCheck GSMA proposal overlaps this IMEI Fraud will offer more information to developers than GSMA Device Check service. MTN and other supporters should meet with GSMA to discuss if proceeding with this API within CAMARA still makes sense. Request for meeting already sent by GSMA to MTN Outcome of meeting awaited before deciding if this API proposal should proceed in CAMARA
Eric Murray : (IMEI status) service related, but GSMA is ok for this proposal. ACTION: Pending from MTN for moving on with this API. Maybe to be included in the Device Identifier family. @reg no further information from MTN, consider to de-prioritize, pending to further update Any other operator open to take the lead of this API is welcomed MEETING UPDATE: No update (pending) | |||||
China Telecom | IoT SIM Status Mgmt API The API template is available in PR#105 | Relationship with device management proposal, to confirm relationship. AP: China Telecom Meeting considered that this proposal has some overlap with the Device Management proposal from Verizon APs: China Telecom
Moyuan Sun proposal to be modified to “communication capabilities” to avoid overlap with Device Management API proposal 50 Slides presented in the meeting (to be updated into the API proposal documentation) Eric Murray G. Murat Karabulut New proposal focused on the management of services of devices (activate/deactivate) but still in relation with Device Management concept Mahesh Chapalamadugu (Verizon) to confirm if both proposals may still be merged AP: Email thread to be opened to provide a common position | |||||
China Telecom | IoT SIM Fraud Prevention API The API template is available in PR#103 | Jorge Garcia Hospital is it required to create a new set of APIs only for IoT devices or can they live in the existing groups? Eric Murray agrees, device status can take in charge of this new parameters, check first with this subgroup https://github.com/camaraproject/DeviceStatus MEETING UPDATE: Meeting agreed with China Telecom that this proposal does not fit within Device Status sub-project APs: China Telecom
MEETING UPDATE: New proposal shared byMoyuan Sun about SIM-Device binding change (possibly related to Device Swap) and area alerting (possibly related to Geofencing). Actions over lines are part of Device Management. AP: China Telecom to update updates proposal in PR#103 | China Telecom | IoT SMS send API, keep offline discussion around Device Management. | |||
Verizon | Support application resource requirements in application profiles The API template is available in PR#104 | Jorge Garcia Hospital Mahesh Chapalamadugu requires to validate this proposal with existing SMS Send API https://github.com/camaraproject/ShortMessageService AP: China Telecom MEETING UPDATE: API removed from backlog proposals | Verizon | Support application resource requirements in application profiles The API template is available in PR#110 | METING UPDATE: No update | ||
China Unicom | SIM Historical Information The API template is available in PR#114 | Eric Murray comment: Sounds like a “historical SIM Swap” API. Discuss with SIM Swap sub-project. APs: China Unicom
METING UPDATE: no updates | |||||
China Unicom | User Account Spend Count The API template is available in PR#120 | METING UPDATE: Use case appears to be a KYC use case APs: China Unicom
METING UPDATE: no updates | |||||
China Unicom | Number Of Cards Under User's ID The API template is available in PR#119 | Use case appears to be a KYC use case APs: China Unicom
METING UPDATE: no updates | |||||
China Mobile | Facial Recognition The API template is available in PR#130 | EasyCLA to be solved METING UPDATE: material presented by YinMing Fu. Eric Murray proposes in 126 to consider this API as part of already existing ModelAsA Service APi group (also from China Mobile) YinMing Fu considers API separated as MaaS focused on LLM models Eric Murray raises issues on match with CAMARA authentication, privacy and identity existing mechanisms to be applied in this API Jorge Garcia Hospital raised question on the telco capabilities been leveraged --> MNO face database is used AP to China Mobile to clarify open points METING UPDATE: To modify the template to ScopeEnhancement of MaaS. YinMing Fu to update updated PR#130 by end of this week, and if ready and validated by early next week, this API will be treated in and API will be treated in next TSC 19th dec. 15:00 UTCAPI-Scope-Enhancement-Template.md | |||||
China Unicom | Network Health Assessment The API template is available in PR#129 | EasyCLA to be solved METING UPDATE: No updates | |||||
China Unicom | Network Traffic Analysis The API template is available in PR#129 | EasyCLA to be solved METING UPDATE: No updates | |||||
China Unicom | eSIM Remote Management The API template is available in PR#140 | METING UPDATE: No updates | |||||
TIM | Energy Footprint Notification The API template is available in PR#142 | API to report energy consumption of a service including computing and communication. Kevin Smith asks about the “energy scopes” managed by this API (carbon footprint, electricity consumption…) https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/green/documents/ fabrizio moggio proposes to create an API that can report reports from the operator depending on the calculation that each telco can create (depending on the information sources of each one). Nick Venezia https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism_en#:~:text=Why%20CBAM?-,CBAM,the%20decarbonisation%20of%20EU%20industry METING UPDATE: Jan Friman is the notification raised before the service or after? fabrizio moggio is raised during the service consumption, not a prediction Proposal: API to be proposed to next TSC 19th dec. 15:00 UTC | |||||
TIM | IoT Data Transfer Activation The API template is available in PR#144 | Focused on booking resources for a non-warranted connection for IoT, group of many devices at once, during a certain period. Not directly related to QoD or HighThroughput API. Kevin Smith posible overlap with Dedicated Network API (proposal), related to configure a network for a set of devices. To be reviewed. METING UPDATE: Issue#14 raised to discuss about posible overlap fabrizio moggio : Proposal to include IoT API (separate repo) as part of the Dedicated Network “family” (share participants and meetings) to align use cases and definitions. Jan Friman : this API looks like a specialization of Dedicated network API Proposal: To be proposed in the Dedicated network issue to validate Issue#14 | |||||
KDDI | QoS Booking The API template is available in PR#155 | METING UPDATE: Slide deck
Jorge Garcia Hospital TEF supports this API. Q: Will this API be a new repo or a new API of QoD repo? Tanja de Groot Could QoS booking API be considered as another "variant" of the Dedicated Networks API? Masaharu Hattori: Dedicated Network is focused on booking network resources, while QoD booking is related to book a quality session, independent to specific resources. Dev schedules just a QoD session to fulfill a required profile. Jan Friman Dedicated Networks is handling this use cases of booking resources to fill the needs of an app, closely related to this proposal Eric Murray proposal inherits from QoD API, but may consider a sue case overlap as booking resources. To discuss in Dedicated Network (Monday 16th 9UTC) |
AP # | AP Owner | AP description | Related issue | Status |
20240523-01 | API Backlog Governance | Backlog Governance to reach up TelecomXchange & Netfocusin to see if the could connect next meetings | Open | |
20240711-04 | MTN/Chenosis | IMEI Fraud: Check the material shared by Eric/GSMA regarding DeviceCheck, and validate the inclusion of the API in the Device Identifier group
Meeting Update: Waiting for more updates, any other operator open to join | Open | |
20240926-03 | China Mobile | 5G New Calling
| Open | |
20241010-02 | ALL | IMEI Fraud
| Open | |
20241024-02 | Verizon | Device Management
| Open | |
20241128-01 | China Telecom | IoT SIM Status Mgmt API: Slides presented in the meeting (to be updated into the API proposal documentation) Eric Murray G. Murat Karabulut New proposal focused on the management of services of devices (activate/deactivate) but still in relation with Device Management concept Mahesh Chapalamadugu (Verizon) to confirm if both proposals may still be merged AP: Email thread to be opened to provide a common position | Open | |
20241128-02 | China Telecom | IoT SIM Fraud Prevention API New proposal shared byMoyuan Sun about SIM-Device binding change (possibly related to Device Swap) and area alerting (possibly related to Geofencing). Actions over lines are part of Device Management. AP: China Telecom to update proposal in PR#103 | Open | |
20241128-03 | Backlog Admins | IoT SMS send API Proposal to be withdrawn → AP to take it out | Closed | |
20241128-04 | China Mobile | Facial Recognition Eric Murray proposes in 126 to consider this APi as part of already existing ModelAsA Service APi group (also from China Mobile) YinMing Fu considers APi separated as MaaS focused on LLM models Eric Murray raises issues on match with CAMARA authentication, privacy and identity existing mechanisms to be applied in this API Jorge Garcia Hospital raised question on the telco capabilities been leveraged, to be clarified AP to China Mobile to clarify open points | Open | |
20241128-05 | TIM | IoT Data Transfer Activation Kevin Smith posible overlap with Dedicated Network API (proposal), related to configure a network for a set of devices. To be reviewed. AP: Open issue in Dedicated Network API to discuss. | Open | |
20241212-01 | KDDI | QoS Booking Open issue in Dedicated Network API to discuss possible overlap. | Open |
Decision Points
DP # | DP description | Status | |
1 | Increase backlog meeting duration from 1 to 1:30:
| Agreed | |
2 | Move meeting schedule to UTC:
Or align with TSC:
| Agreed |
3 | As in APIBacklog/issues/123 , companies see a suitable feature to have a spot in each repository where participants can be reported, stating the interest of those participant companies for this API. Current options:
Proposal to create a place where companies can provide their support or willingness to participate in an API, not official as maintainer/codeowner and not providing proper code as in Companies to provide support (or concerns) about this proposal. | ||
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How does CAMARA API pipeline work?