#362 Support of Multi-SIM lines in QoD APIs
Discussed in Spring Release planning.
#359 Add explanation on why there is a "POST /retrieve-sessions" instead of GET
#337 Potential enhancement of booking feature for qod-provision
Masaharu Hattori updated user story based on feedback. https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/337#issuecomment-2478610680
Jose Luis Urien Pinedo Suggested adding a location to the booking.
Note: The session would be terminated when the device leaves this location. Further discussion needed on how to address location.
Eric Murray suggested to create a new booking API endpoint and test scenarios as a part of this PR.
Masaharu Hattori Will create a PR for next meeting.
#147 Extend the query capabilities for Qos Profiles
Randy Levensalor to create a PR
Potentially related: Commonalities/issues/179
#173 Add support for DSCP markings for QoD sessions
Reviewed slides
General support for adding these optional elements to the QoS Profile
DifferentiatedServicesCodepoint- Discussion for alternatives to the current proposals for how to best represent the value.
Randy Levensalor Will create a PR for next meeting.
Eric Murray suggests that we review the definitions of the parameters before a stable release. Dedicate a meeting in Jan/Feb 2025 timeframe.Not discussed
Eric Murray At a minimum this should be a documentation review / update. Could also include renaming properties or switching a to new model, such as using an application URL.
Needs further discussion.
Not discussed
#302 Providing developers with alternate to QoS profile
Not discussed, no update
Previous meeting minutes:
potential via #147 instead as a direct parameter within the quality-on-demand API
evaluate relation to new QualityByDesign concept
Remaining issues (#45, #194, #304, #317) to be checked (off-line) regarding closing / taking into scope