Versions Compared


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The CAMARA release process uses API release trackers to provide visibility on the status of API versions.



The name of the meta-release, e.g. Springxx or Fallxx. Put N/A if the API version is planned to be an initial public version only outside of the meta-release.

API name

The API name. For the definition of "API name" on this page see: API Release Process, e.g. geofencing

Target version

The API version that you plan to publish in the meta-release, e.g. 0.5.0, 1.0.0, 1.1.0, etc. Note: patch versions of a released API are handled on the same release tracker as the released API.


The short link to GitHub repository for the API, e.g. DeviceLocation 


The name of the API Sandbox or Sub project under which the repository of the API is managed, e.g. DeviceLocation 


Indicates the maturity of the public API version that is targeted in the upcoming meta-release: choose one of "initial" or "stable".


The shortened link to a GitHub issue called "Scope for API-name version <x.y.z>" which needs to be created latest at M1 and resolved by M3 e.g. DeviceLocation/issues/58

API version

The version of the latest (pre-)release (alpha, release-candidate or public release) API version. This field is to be updated with each (pre-)release date, e.g. 0.2.0-alpha.3, 0.10.0-rc.2, 0.10.1, 1.0.0-rc.5, etc.)

M3 date

This is the actual date of the M3 pre-release of the API version. Update of this field is mandatory with the final M3 pre-release creation date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.


The short link to the release tag, updated with each alpha and release-candidate pre-release.

M4 date

This is the actual date of the M4 public-release of the API version. Update of this field is mandatory with the final M4 public-release creation date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.

Public release

The short link to the release tag, updated with the M4 public release and with every public maintenance release, including maintenance releases.

Patch date

The date of the availability of a maintenance release (after M4). Format is yyyy-mm-dd.

RM reviews

Review status and short link to the review issue for the M3 and M4 milestone release PR reviews: e.g. 

M4: OK ReleaseManagement/issues/88

M3: OK ReleaseManagement/issues/73

Any other reviews or relevant info.


Comments on the API e.g. Previous API version(s) implemented by China Unicom, China Telecom, Vivo (Brazil), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), T-Mobile US, Telefonica (Spain). GSMA certified implementations by China Unicom.  (source: as of 2024-08-16) 


yes | no - Choose one. Use yes if it is the first time the API is part of a meta-release, no otherwise.


Contact names for the API release: name1 @name2
