The CAMARA release process uses API release trackers to provide visibility on the status of API versions.
Meta-release | The name of the meta-release, e.g. Springxx or Fallxx. Put N/A if the API version is planned to be an initial public version only outside of the meta-release. |
API name | The API name. For the definition of "API name" on this page see: API Release Process, e.g. geofencing |
Target version | The API version that you plan to publish in the meta-release, e.g. 0.5.0, 1.0.0, 1.1.0, etc. Note: patch versions of a released API are handled on the same release tracker as the released API. |
Repository | The short link to GitHub repository for the API, e.g. DeviceLocation |
Group | The name of the API Sandbox or Sub project under which the repository of the API is managed, e.g. DeviceLocation |
Maturity | Indicates the maturity of the public API version that is targeted in the upcoming meta-release: choose one of "initial" or "stable". |
Scope | The shortened link to a GitHub issue called "Scope for API-name version <x.y.z>" which needs to be created latest at M1 and resolved by M3 e.g. DeviceLocation/issues/58 |
API version | The version of the latest (pre-)release (alpha, release-candidate or public release) API version. This field is to be updated with each (pre-)release date, e.g. 0.2.0-alpha.3, 0.10.0-rc.2, 0.10.1, 1.0.0-rc.5, etc.) |
M3 date | This is the actual date of the M3 pre-release of the API version. Update of this field is mandatory with the final M3 pre-release creation date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd. |
Pre-release | The short link to the release tag, updated with each alpha and release-candidate pre-release. |
M4 date | This is the actual date of the M4 public-release of the API version. Update of this field is mandatory with the final M4 public-release creation date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd. |
Public release | The short link to the release tag, updated with the M4 public release and with every public maintenance release, including maintenance releases. |
Patch date | The date of the availability of a maintenance release (after M4). Format is yyyy-mm-dd. |
RM reviews | Review status and short link to the review issue for the M3 and M4 milestone release PR reviews: e.g. M4: OK ReleaseManagement/issues/88 M3: OK ReleaseManagement/issues/73 Any other reviews or relevant info. |
Comments | Comments on the API e.g. Previous API version(s) implemented by China Unicom, China Telecom, Vivo (Brazil), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), T-Mobile US, Telefonica (Spain). GSMA certified implementations by China Unicom. (source: as of 2024-08-16) |
New | yes | no - Choose one. Use yes if it is the first time the API is part of a meta-release, no otherwise. |
Contacts | Contact names for the API release: name1 @name2 |