These grey instructional boxes will also not be visible when not editing the page.
All project pages should be tagged with a label 'project', a label 'sp-<abbv>', and a label that is the name of the repository in GitHub. If you have more than one repository, add a label for all repositories. example 'SIM Swap Framework' is labeled as: 'project' 'sp-ssw' 'simswap'. Sub Projects are abbreviated to 'sp', 'wg' for Working Groups. Don't know what a label is? Click the icon that looks like a price tag. When you are in edit mode, it is at the top of the PAGE near the linked page name. When you are viewing the page (not editing) the icon is in the bottom right of the page, and can also be access with the " L " keyboard shortcut
Add a table with key/value pairs in order to display its data on another page using the Page Properties Report macro.