Community Attendees:
Kev Scarr (VF)
Rafal Artych (DT)
Pedro Díez García (TEF)

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Antitrust Policy

  • Issues review


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Issues Review






07/FEB: All issues are closed. M3 reached: is MERGED. API Readiness checklist has been updated customer-insights v0.1.0.

20/FEB: Next step is to prepare Public Release actions. For that reason parent issue is opened. New sub-issues will be opened. Deadline for Public release PR is 28th February.

06/MAR: PR for Public Release delivered Under RM review, also commented that internally the WG can review. Approved by the WG after the meeting.


20/FEB: Initial approach for discussion is presented. Basically from TEF side checking with Brazil Operator. Only refer to concepts as algorithm details are protected by property rights. Waiting from feedback on which information could be shared.

Some questions and doubts are commented by VF. Regading social networks porbably in some VF markets that information would not possible to be provided due to legal reasons. TEF will check internally.

From DT side it is also commented a possible approach (it will be compiled more feedback) where an external Platform/3rd Party performs/implement the analytics behind a common algorithm within a given market. That would imply such external platform to have access to Telco Operator' information. TEF indicates it will comment this approach internally.

It is also commented that probably the algorithm model could vary from market to market. So initial purpose would be to have an MVP for initial values to be considered.

06/MAR: Some conversation around the issue, regarding the initial comment generated by Kevin. Some points are provided feedback, other points are still being checked by Pedro.

About Rafal’s comment “The suggested approach from business team is to define the extended set of parameters and document it (for example in Additional Documentation folder) so we can have the common understanding what is behind each parameter name.
Then the scoring model can be agreed by operators on given market, taking into account market specifities and needs/requirements of customers of scoring API.”, the WG considers it is a good proposal/approach so as in the way initial set of parameters are agreed they can be documented.

There are also comments about the period to consider to some concepts, that can be discussed further even to define the same concept with a different periodicity.

Intention is once some clarifications are provided by TEF to agree in a initial list and move forward documenting a way like the proposal by DT.


06/MAR: New Topic: Two levels of scoring precision in API.

DT brings this topic. Based on Czech republic business, there is two different levels of precision for the score (rough and detailed) with different prices, they have customer for both models. That is the business idea. And look for a technical solution for it.

TEF will check about this concept internally from business view. Also VF will talk internally about this concept.






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