

Create New HighThroughputElasticNetworks Minutes

Request your meeting to be set up in LFX by contacting

While not in edit mode for this page, click the “+ Create” button at the top of the screen. And create a “<Repo name> Minutes” page, save, then click the create button again, and make a “202x <Repo name> Minutes” page.

Then delete this info panel

Registration / Join


Add a link to your “202x <Repo name> Minutes” page below this panel.

Request a meeting template be created for your Project at, then delete this info panel.

Release Planning & Release Notes

While not in edit mode for this page, click the “Create API Tracking Subpage” button in this info panel, and name it “<Repo name> API Release Tracking”.

Save that page, then press “L” to add a label to the page; make sure you add the <repo name> (no spaces) label.

Add a link below this panel to the new API Release Tracking page, then delete this panel.

Project documents and task tracking:

Edit the task report and attachments macro below, add your repo name label in the right hand panel, then delete this info panel.