Device Identifier Meeting Minutes 2023-12-01
Attendees & Representation
Name | Company | Attendee |
Eric Murray | Vodafone (chair) | X |
Sachin Kumar | Vodafone | X |
Kevin Smith | Vodafone | X |
Alex Ferreira | Phronesis | X |
Matthew Hornsey | Phronesis | |
Matthew Hand | Phronesis | X |
Sébastien Synold | Intersec | |
S, Vigneshwaran | Cognizant | |
Karthik Raj Rethinakumar | Cognizant | |
Manish Jain | Cognizant | |
Huub Appelboom | KPN | |
Rafal Artych | DT | X |
Abhisek Das | Infosys | X |
Brian Smith | Shabodi | X |
Umair Ali Rashid | Shabodi | X |
Foo Ming Hui | Singtel | X |
Review of previous meeting minutes
Discussion on requirements for IMEI Fraud
Review of Device Identifier API status
Discussion on IMEI Fraud API
See API Proposal submission here
Open Discussions:
#37: IMEI Fraud API Input
No comments to date - please comment if you have a view
#34: What values should the IMEI Fraud API respond with to indicate reported ownership status?
Alex: GSMA maintain own device status registry ( This has more status information than EIR.
ACTION: Eric to get more details on GSMA service and status values it maintains
Review of Device Identifier API status
Current "work in progress" version can be found here
New PRs:
Open PRs:
New Issues:
Issue #40: Proposed renaming of device identifier API
Using sub-project three letter code
as API name not scalable as additional APIs are added to the sub-projectProposal is to use
as the new namePlease comment if you have a view
Open issues:
Issue #21: API Definition Terminology
Issue is out of date
ACTION: Eric to update issue text
Issue #30: Defined scopes and meanings, being discussed in Issue
Proposal is to have two scopes - one for all information, and one for TAC, Make and Model only
Brian: Should separate paths be defined rather than have a single path which accepts two scopes?
Please comment if you have a view
Open Discussions:
Discussion #35: Age of information or device connectivity status
Vodafone's implementation checks in "real time", so device must be connected and "age of information" would be 0
The current API design implicitly assumes these values
Other implementor's solutions may rely on cached data possibly be out of date, and hence require such a field
Please comment if you have a view
Discussion #36: Alternative device identifiers
No discussion yet - please comment if you have a view
Next meeting to be held Friday 15th December 2023 @ 09:00 GMT
One day, meetings will be held using the LFX Zoom service, but not yet