Commonalities WG

Commonalities WG


Commonalities Working Group

Meeting Registration / Join

Meeting Cadence: bi-weekly, Monday, 16:00 CET/CEST (15:00 UTC)

Mailing List

Repository: https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities

A list of some of the frequently accessed documents that are an output of the work done in the Commonalities Working Group is provided below.

Document name



This document captures guidelines for the API design in CAMARA project. These guidelines are applicable to every API to be worked out under the CAMARA initiative.


A glossary of the common terms and their API parameter/field names for use in the APIs


Guidelines for the API testing in CAMARA project

NOTE: Guidelines for Release Management of API versions, e.g. the API-Readiness-Checklist, are located within ReleaseManagement. The versioning of APIs is defined within the API-design-guidelines.md.


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