2024-06-27: Number Verification/ SIM Swap / OTP- Meeting Minutes
Attendees: @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Cormac Hegarty @Jorge Garcia Hospital @ABOUCHI, Aziz @Gregory Lindner @Izahir Clemencia @Toshi Wakayama
Antitrust Policy
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Action Items Review
Review of previous meeting minutes (Jun 16th)
If no comment remove Draft → no cooments, we can remove
Open item will be review below for each API
Other topics
OTP Validation
Prepare API for CAMARA Meta release (Issue #58)
Accordingly to CAMARA Release management, issue #62 covers the scope for first meta-release.
The proposal release will the v0.6.0 (currently in wip) as previous released version was the v0.5.0
OK for the team for this scope? → no further comments or issues to include
+ create Confluence page to track this work: one-time-password-sms v0.6.0 - CAMARA Project - Confluence
Align securitySchemes and Auth description with commonalities and ICM (issue #56)
Wait for ICM proposal merge (here: https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/pull/168) → PR#65 → MERGED
New Issue oppened by @Fernando Prado Cabrillo to align securitySchemes (issue #66)
New PR oppened by @Fernando Prado Cabrillo to align securitySchemes (PR #68)
Provide test definition - Issue#57 & PR#58
Commonalities issue still not closed (#203) → MERGED
But review could start!
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo will take a look → pending
SIM Swap
Could we target a 'stable' maturity level for first CAMARA Meta-Release for sim-swap? (Issue #115)
For the Fall24 meta-release we should discuss what public status (maturity level) we chose. Only for sim-swap, not including subscriptions
Extracting phoneNumber from the 3-legg access token (Issue #117)
Decision on what path to choose
We'll discuss offline or in the next meeting with @Ludovic Robert
Request body is required but all properties are optional (Issue #118)
Decision on how to proceed → we'll discuss offline, no decision taken
Update yaml if needed
Update test cases if needed to reflect behaviour
Revisit defined errors (Issue #119)
Decision on error 409 CONFLICT → discuss offline, @Gregory Lindner agrees in removing it
Decision on error 404 UKNOWN_PHONE_NUMBER → discuss offline, it seems that the error might be redundant since it doesn't really add anything that the standard 404 NOT_FOUND doesn't already have
Create PR if needed
Update test cases if needed
Include test cases with CAMARA format agreed on Commonalities (Issue: #63, PR #70)
Remove previous proposal and include new one with formatted ATP → review required
Align sim-swap notification subscription Yaml with new subscription model (issue #108)
PR #111 in review
Review from Gregory & Max → @Fernando Prado Cabrillo will also review
Prepare API for CAMARA Meta release (issue #109)
As we have 2 APIs here we have to probably be careful that both will not have same maturity level. The 'nominal' sim swap API must be part of the meta release while the subscription one will probably stay in sandbox mode.
We need to have a release page on Confluence (@Fernando Prado Cabrillo will do) → created by @Ludovic Robert
Additional point to consider for the GIT directory structure: New proposal how to manage "API Families" as Sub Projects with one lead repository and multiple API "family member" repositories · Issue #142 · camaraproject/Governance (github.com)
Inconsistent usage of MSISDN and phoneNumber (Issue #112)
Make sense
Gregory will raise a PR for that. → PR #116 created by Gregory (pending review) → @Fernando Prado Cabrillo will review this week
Action item (possible?) @Cormac Hegarty will also check in number verification. Cormac: Checked, no issue in Number Verification
Swap Notification example list phoneNumber value without quotes (issue #113)
Make sense.
Fixed in the new version (PR #111)
Action points
Create an issue to document that, when a 3-legged token is used, the phone number can be obtained from it and since the request body property is optioanl, it can be omitted
Number Verification
Could we target a 'stable' maturity level for first CAMARA Meta-Release? (Issue #115)
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo also tend to prefer the stable
@Cormac Hegarty comments that perhaps once we provide test cases, the same issues will be raised as in the Sim swap
Added sequence diagrams with RFC 9101 (PR#94) - issue93
Additional review comment from @Fernando Prado Cabrillo
To be discussed with @Ming Hui Foo
There is discussion on this topic in ICM (see issue #128) → ISSUE CLOSED
As agreed on ICM RFC 9101 WON'T be part of Fall24 meta-release
Decision: Keep the issue to not lose Ming's work but not include yet until ICM makes the decission
Prepare API for CAMARA Meta release (issue #107)
We need to have a release page on Confluence (Axel ?) → not created yet
No progress on test case (issue #104)
integration to on device application (EAP-AKA)
any update?
Action points
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo will check the API to see if any Sim swap discussions can apply also in Number verification
@Cormac Hegarty will open an issue to discuss if we should update diagrams to include aggregation