2024-10-31 DRAFT Number Verification / SIM Swap / OTP - Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Ludovic Robert @Toyeeb Rehman @Gregory Lindner@Aleksandar Brankovic @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Huub Appelboom @Kenichi Yamamoto @Lazar Bulic Minesh Patel @Ola Ajibola @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Toshi Wakayama
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Administrative stuff
Update for Number Verification
Update for Sim Swap
SimSwap GSMA certification discussion with @Toyeeb Rehman
Administrative stuff
Change meeting time to UTC For Number Verification/Sim Swap #151
6:30 UTC → If we choose this one all year around, meetings would be at 8:30 during CEST and at 7:30 during CET
7:30 UTC→ If we choose this one all year around, meetings would be at 9:30 during CEST and at 8:30 during CET - supporters: @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Gregory Lindner @Cormac Hegarty @Ludovic Robert
Change meeting frequency - from every 2 weeks to every 4 weeks #150
No feedback from the team against this proposal.
Number Verification
Discussion #149 & Issue #152: The NumberVerification API defines an 403 | NUMBER_VERIFICATION.USER_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_BY_MOBILE_NETWORK error on the 'resource' endpoint - but how to fall in this case ? the AS will not provide an authorization code.
Keep the discussion open & close the issue
Use of two-legged authentication for MSISDN verify #146: I do not see action to be done following this thread but good discussion.
Could we convert it as a discussion?Convert to a discussion
No progress
SIM swap
Release 1.3 merged Oct 29th
We have another fix to merge
Scope for Spring25
Presentation of the GSMA draft v1.0.0 SIM Swap tests.
Draft sim swap 1.0 available for both operation - based on r1.3
Prerequisite test data (see slide 4)
scope will require openid & dpv as well
Add a test on umbrella scope (sim-swap) to get the token
Mandatory API data (slide 5)
No test on the consent capture so consent must be pre-provisioned
Conditional API data (slide6) - No blocking the certification
Discussion on service is not supported for specific phone number
For certification: This is a corner case and not a mandatory TC (A MNO can be able to provide sim swap for all its numbers). If a MNO “knows” from start that some of its number are not compatible with this service, then it can request this test.
For Service: We need to discuss how we handle it from consumer perspective
Change condition name for the 2nd test (test for a SIM that has never been connected)
A corner case
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo will change the wording in the test case
Excluded test cases
tests cases with maxAge not valued will not be done as the 240 hours is too limited
Additional test cases
Next meeting
Nov 28, 2024 Number Verification test case go thru.