2025-03-18 CapabilitiesAndRuntimeRestrictions - Meeting Minutes

2025-03-18 CapabilitiesAndRuntimeRestrictions - Meeting Minutes

Community Attendees:

@G. Murat Karabulut @Lyle Bertz

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


The project's Antitrust Policy is linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important when multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review it, and if you have any questions, please contact your companyโ€™s legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Introduction to CapabilitiesAndRuntimeRestrictions

  • Review of efforts in progress for Initial API proposal and documentation


Only the project maintainers were available.

@G. Murat Karabulut gave a brief overview of the project. Indicated there is a slightly improved version of the API definition that was shared as part of the API Backlog process. In addition, User Stories and high level flow diagrams are in the works and will be submitted as Issues and PRs.



Action items

@G. Murat Karabulut create PR for Initial API proposal by March 22, 2025
@G. Murat Karabulut create PR and respective issues for User Stories and API Documentation. by March 22, 2025

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