2024-07-18 TSC Minutes

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.

Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table. 









@Herbert Damker 

Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainer


@Shilpa Padgaonkar

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainer


@Jan Friman 


Active Maintainer


@Toshi Wakayama


Active Maintainer


@Ludovic Robert 


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer


@Adnan Saleem 


EUC Representative


@Doug Makishima 

Summit Tech

EUC Representative




Active Maintainer


@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo


Active Maintainer


@Mahesh Chapalamadugu


EUC Representative


@Eric Murray 


TSC Deputy Chair


@Kevin Smith 


Active Maintainer


@Chris Howell 


Active Maintainer


George Glass

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


@Olta Vangjeli 

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


@Henry Calvert 


GSMA Representative


@Mark Cornall 


GSMA Representative


LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Evan Harrison 

Community: @Nick Venezia @Bart van Kaathoven @Tanja de Groot @Pierre Close @Rafal Artych @Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez @Thorsten Lohmar @Tet (Tetsuya) CHIBA @Lyle Bertz 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

  • Action Items Review

  • General Topics

    • Governance & project management issues

    • API Backlog

    • Commonalities

    • Identity & Consent Management

    • Release Management

  • Specific Topics

    • na

  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

  • Minutes of previous TSC meeting: 2024-07-04 TSC Minutes

    • Herbert has to change the date of the open action (done)

Action Item Review

Governance & Project Management issues

  • EasyCLA Introduction (@Casey Cain )

  • Open Source Summit (Sept 16-18, Vienna) - no updates from Markus yet:

    • CAMARA applied for 2 Call for Papers (2 presentations) but still no feedback

    • Current plan is to have a little booth and some swag. Also here still waiting on feedback

  • @Herbert Damker has done some cleaning on open governance issues (and will continue next week).

API Backlog (@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )

  • API Proposal for approval, see https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/206:

    • Number Recycling - https://github.com/camaraproject/APIBacklog/issues/54

      • Ricardo provided a sum-up to the API objective.

    • Discussion in KnowYourCustomer: Do Tenure API, NumberRecycling API and Shutdown Service Status API fit in KYC Family /KYC SP meeting?

      • @Eric Murray raised a point about the complexity to manage KYC (managed by @Toshi Wakayama )  as we have now a lot of APIs. We can have probably some 'subteam' meeting. Toshi has raised an issue to discuss this in the KYC WG.

      • @Herbert Damker asked that these 3 APIs scope have to be clarified to avoid redundancy (example: if Number recycling provide the length of the contract for this number what is the difference with Tenure?)

      • We create the repo for NumberRecycling pointing to KYC but this attachment could be challenged.

  • @Herbert Damker There are still some PRs open within the former WorkingGroups repository. Would it be possible to decide about these (stale?) PRs?

    • Action Point @Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez

Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )

  • Release 0.4.0-rc.1

  • New topics:

    • Add rules in design guideline about multi-endpoint API design & implementation requirement #246

      • Do we decide that an API must be fully implemented (all endpoints have to be able to provide 2xx response) in order to be "certified"* ?

        • Tendency to yes and split to have distinct yaml if independent resource

        • We need an option for an optional endpoint when they are on the same resource (we cannot split-up)

          • We can add only 501 when, for a multi-endpoint working on a same resource, we have optional endpoint

          • Mandatory endpoints must not have 501 defined as a valid response

      • We have a discussion on SimSwap API and in particular the challenge to provide the date for some implementation. Diego provided his perspective; this is covered with the current API where we can sent back null information if date is not available. To be discussed in the simswap group but this proposal could avoid splitting.

    • Add an “Area” data-type into CAMARA_common.yaml #242

      • Sub projects using geographical area definitions asked for their feedback

      • This is a topic for next meta-release

      • None of the API concerned by this PR will be in 'stable' maturity level.

      • @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo also raised the point about enhancing common artifact to easily re-use structure definition from one API to another (and avoid manually copy)

    • How to inform API consumer about unprocessable subscription request in Async mode #243

    • Request body is required but all properties are optional #247

Identity & Consent Management  (@Axel Nennker )

Release Management (@Tanja de Groot @Samuel Adeyemo )

  • M2 declared at 2024-07-11. Next is M3 targeted for 2024-07-21.

    • @Tanja de Groot  will send a email indicating that the PR release (changelog, readme, yaml, checklist) & target (list of issue) must be provided by Jul 26, 2024 

  • 21 API release-candidates announced on the Meta-release Fall24 plan.

  • 3 APIs target a stable public release: number-verification, one-time-password-sms, sim_swap.

Any Other Business

  • Linux Foundation Atlassian Cloud Migration

    • @Casey Cain to speak about the Cloud Migration of the wiki

    • What is the reason for the move? 


      • The LF IT team will be migrating Atlassian Jira & Confluence environments to Atlassian Cloud - shifting away from Data Center; and into a more robust environment for our users and projects.

      • The LF IT team will only be migrating Jira Software Projects, and will not be migrating any Confluence spaces that are a public, linked Knowledge Base for a JSM project.

    • Who do I contact if I have further questions, comments or concerns?


    • Can I login to the Cloud site using my LFID account?


      • The Cloud site won't be linked to your LFID account, each user will receive an invitation to their email address to join the site.

    • How would I login?


    • What can I do if I can't login to the Cloud?


    • What is the cost for the projects?


      • There is no cost to the projects. In fact, there will be hosting costs savings after switching from Data Center to Cloud. 

    • What would change in this migration?


      • More robust security measures.

      • Continuous performance improvements and site reliability.

      • Better collaboration among projects, team members and departments.

  • @Casey Cain  Will check if SSO with LFID will continue to work. 

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting will be on August 1st at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST

    • No summer break  !!

  • Specific agenda topics backlog:

    • ...

Action items

Create repository for NumberRecycling @Herbert Damker Jul 24, 2024 
Migrate remaining open PRs out of https://github.com/camaraproject/WorkingGroups/ @Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez Aug 15, 2024  
@Tanja de Groot  will send a email indicating that the PR release (changelog, readme, yaml, checklist) & target (list of issue) must be provided by Jul 26, 2024 
@Casey Cain  Will check if SSO with LFID will continue to work after a migration of the wiki into the Atlassian Cloud Aug 1, 2024