2024-04-19 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance


LF Staff: na

Community: @Herbert Damker @Maximilian Laue @Thorsten Lohmar @Surajj Jaggernath @Eric Murray  @Joachim Dahlgren @Patrice Conil @Rafal Artych @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Randy Levensalor Dominik Fisher,  G Vidal, Masaharu Hattori, @Jorge Garcia Hospital Bhabani, Emil Cheung


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Review of previous meeting minutes

    • Agreed

  • Overall Topics

  • Regular Topics

    • Open Pull Requests

    • New Issues

    • Issues relevant for v0.11.0

    • Scope definition

  • Any Other Topics


Overall topics

  • Patch release v0.10.1 published last week

  • Meta-release Fall-24 - timeplan

    • Test meta-release page layout

    • Expected Deliverables from QoD

      • M1 - 30/04

        • (Scope of Commonalities & ICM defined)

        • Initiation of release cycle for API Sub Projects - definition of target version

      • M2 - 15/06

        • (Release candidate of Commonalities + ICM)

      • M3 - 15/06

        • First release candidate of QoD, starting of test implementations

          • Won't fit if there are last minutes changes from Commonalities + ICM

        • Instead an v0.11.0-alpha.1 release as milestone target?

      • M4 - 31/08

        • Last (stable) release candidate of target release from QoD

        • Release Criteria fulfilled (incl validation of the release candidate by two independent implementation of the API)

      • M5 - 15/09

        • public release done

Open Pull Requests

New Issues

Existing Issues

Any other topics

  • Main actions for next two weeks (copied into the action items):

    • Scope v0.11.0 will be defined on the current labels on the issue => create a scope issue @Herbert Damker 

    • Create a summary issue for "duration" issues (#265, #249, ...) @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Maximilian Laue

    • Split PR @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo 

  • Alignment and collaboration with https://github.com/camaraproject/NetworkSliceBooking/tree/main

    • @Herbert Damker @Thorsten Lohmar @Rafal Artych will discuss offline

    • (Update: push of "QoS Profiles towards Network Slice Booking as soon we have the split PR)

  • Next QoD will be on May 3rd, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC

Action items

Create a summary issue for "duration" issues (#265, #249, ...) @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Maximilian Laue May 3, 2024 
Create a summary of the scope definition of v0.11.0 within an issue @Herbert Damker Apr 30, 2024 
Final review and merge of PR #283 (Codeowner & @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo ) Apr 30, 2024 
Create the "split" PR #265 @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo Apr 26, 2024 (request review comments before the next call)