2024-04-30: SP-EDC Minutes

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff:


Cristina Santana Casillas (Chair)



Rafal Artych



Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez



Jhon Javier Loza Lluco



Laura Martin Maldonado



Fabrizio Moggio

Telecom Italia Mobile


Kevin Xu

5GFF/Verizon Wireless


Leo Chely



Deepak Gunjal

Cap Gemini


Babu Narayan



Vaibhav Mehta



Uwe Rauschenbach



Nicola Cadenelli

Nearby Computing


Randy Levensalor



Tom Van Pelt



Thomas Vits



Kev Smith



Joshua Peng

JC Drawn Mobile


Mourad Khanfouci

Mitsubishi electric


Mark Cornall 



Andrew Wajs






Uwe Rauschenbach



Pablo Montes Moreno



José Manuel Conde



Prashant Goswami



Surajj Jaggernath



Jose Domingos



Nikolaos Petropouleas



Andre Florath




The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call

  • Action Items Review

  • Agenda Bashing

    • 1.API current Situation




      Traffic Influence.

      • Minor changes may be needed to comply with conformance in API guidelines ( Issue 191). Closed

      • PR 231 To update spectral.yml v19.03.2024: Corrected camara-http-methods rule. Merged.

      • Changes done in documentation to include EdgeCloudZone (Discussion 196 to be closed.)

      • PR 167 TI API v0.9.3 for approval and merger. Once spectral.yml has been updated.

      • New Discussion 230 Potential requirement: Device Source IP Port

      Life Cycle Management.

      • PR 208 merged

      • Implementation of Consent Management (3Legs) and X-Correlator to be included. New PR Will be created.

      New API to Discovery App Endpoint

      • New API based on Discussion 212 raised by @Thomas Vits 

      • A first draft will be presented at the next meeting by TEF 

Simple Edge Discovery.



      • PR 228 SED API v1.0.0 to be merged.

Edge Cloud Family.



      • E2E Use case/User Story first draft based on Discussion 206 to be contributed by TEF

      • Repository Maintance

2.Changes on Traffic Influence API

New requirements 

Automatic Mobility – Discussion 218



      • Intent: “Always provide the optimal routing from the Device to an existing EAS instance”

      • Output: "Routing optimization performed due to Device mobility"

UE Mobility Notification – Discussion 217



      • Currently under discussion in GSMA OPAG. Definition: “Notification from the TI API to an API Consumer to alert when an UE is in a region/zone where the conditions to have use the TI API are met (e.g. presence of an EAS Instance and an available UPF)“

      • "UE mobility notification" can provide the API Consumer information about the Network topology.

      • Proposal from Fabrizio: keep it simple, for us and for the API Developer, just providing the TI API with two Options:

1.As it is right now. It is a task from the API Consumer to decide when to invoke the API. To support user mobility, the AP Consumer needs to invoke the API many times, every time the user moves in a different Zone.

2.Adding just “Automatic mobility”, in this case the API Consumer invokes the API once and what happen in the network to guarantee the Intent is transparent to the API Consumer



      • Currently In Frozen State

Device Source IP Port - Discussion 230 

3.Changes on LCM API



      • How to enable computing resources selection: Flavors or dynamically (Discussion 220)

        • Agree on dynamically approach

        • LCM API v0.9.3 contains the selection of resources based on parameters

        • Implementation of an orchestrated deployment based on files to be defined

      • Discuss on the usage of Unique Identifiers

4.Criteria to release the 1st stable version

Next Steps:



      • Clean the repository and organize the folders per API - @Kevin Smith will help.

      • Review Pending's PRs, Issues and Discussions - Actions created to close/update PR/Issue/Discussion

      • Meet CAMARA Commonalities to pass MegaLinter and Spectral tests for each API Yaml. Modify the following line to pass specific files.

      • spectral.yml:


      • As the structure folder will be changed there is no needed to change the spectral.yml

      • To check if there is a Tool in CAMARA to find common parameters across APIs by Deepak

      • Consent Management addition in LCM API by @Jhon Javier Loza Lluco 

      • Check Common datatypes in LCM API by@Jhon Javier Loza Lluco and confirm it for TI API by @fabrizio moggio 

      • Create the new API to cover intent 21 by Telefónica

      • User Story for the 4 APIs by Telefónica

5.Repository Maintance

Pull Requests

PRs Opened

Opened by


Update .spectral.yml

TEF – Javier (3days)


Simple Edge Discovery 1.0.0

5GFF-Kevin (2 weeks)

To be merged

TI API Rel 0.9.3: API Coherency with Edge Cloud terminology, CAMARA Guidelines and Consent Management

TIM – Fabrizio (Jan 10)

To be review, approved and merged.

More descriptive resource names in MEC Exposure and Experience Management

Leo Chely (Dec 6 2023)

Different terminologies. Contact  @Mahesh Chapalamadugu by  @Kevin Smith 

Update README.MD to reflect new folder structure

5GFF-Kevin (Aug 24 2023)

To be closed - @Kevin Smith 

Draft models for GSMA/EdgeXR and 5GFF

5GFF-Kevin (Aug 8 2023)

Move it to Discussions - @Kevin Smith 

Create Simple_Edge_Discovery_User_story.md

5GFF-Kevin (Jul 18 2023)

Review by Nicolla, @Thomas Vits  and @Jhon Javier Loza Lluco 

Create Simple_Edge_Discovery_API_Readiness_Checklist.md

5GFF-Kevin (Jul 18 2023)

Review by Deepak and @Jhon Javier Loza Lluco 

Edge cloud developer journey proposal

Mahesh (Feb 21 2023)

Contact @Mahesh Chapalamadugu by @Kevin Smith 


Issues Opened

Opened by


Review of reported errors from local run CAMARA linter to confirm conformance with API Design Guidelines for EdgeCloud_LcM.yaml

TEF – Javier (Feb 6)

To be fixed (@Jhon Javier Loza Lluco ), checked and close

Review of reported errors from local run CAMARA linter to confirm conformance with API Design Guidelines for Traffic_Influence.yaml

TEF - Javier (Feb 6)

To be closed @fabrizio moggio 

Simple Edge discovery API method parameters do not use lower camel case as in the rest of CAMARA APIs

TEF – Javier (Nov 29 2023)

@Kevin Smith  to add the outcome from CAMARA and close it.

MEC Exposure & Experience Management ressource names don't follow naming conventions or are not descriptive enough

Leo Chely (Nov 10 2023)

Contact @Mahesh Chapalamadugu by @Kevin Smith 

README for code folder needs updating

5GFF-Kevin (Aug 24 2023)

Keep it opened

Discovery folder needs README with mapping to intents

5GFF-Kevin (Aug 24 2023)


Usage of IP Address to identify a Device in Traffic Influence API

Capgemini-Deepak (Aug 7 2023)

Deepak to review it

Open Discussion: Invitation for CAMARA from LF Edge China Summit

Shuting Qing (May 18 2023)


Edge model: comments received

5GFF-Kevin (Apr 18 2023)

@Kevin Smith  to move to Discussions

Edge model: remove architecture-specific items

5GFF-Kevin (Apr 18 2023)

@Kevin Smith  to move to Discussions

Update of README is necessary

Kevin Xu (Feb 9 2023)


[Exposure & Experience Management API] Unused definitions in the specification

Carlos Lozano (Oct 6 2022)

Keep it open and contact @Mahesh Chapalamadugu by @Kevin Smith 

Proposal for managing contributions and approvals

Shilpa – Padgaonkar (Jul 27 2022)


Repository Structure Folder - @Kevin Smith will help with this work

Agreed to have the following structure:

The old files will be moved to a new folder under /EdgeCloud/Documentation/SupportingDocuments/Archive*

We also need to check how to manage meetings minutes, currently two folders are referring to that topic. @Kevin Smith to ask at Commonalities how to manage the proceedings


6.Other topics

  • Any Other Topics


Action Item Review

Topic 1

  • Comments

Action items