Community Attendees:
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
DRAFTAntitrust Policy
Action item review
Release Management releases
Spring25 meta-release
Fall24 meta-release
Issues review
Action item review
Release Management releases
Public release of the RM repository to be done for M2 (exception from “normal” release at M1 for Spring25 meta-release).
Updates to be done:
patch creation: shall update the existing release tracker propose to add guidelines that the patch shall
update the release tracker page title to reflect the patch version
update the API version field
NOT update the Target version field
The above was called out on the all hands call last week
Tanja de Groot add guidelines to republish Fall24 APIs to Spring25 (probably all APIs need to update to new versions of Commonalities and ICM)
change on error codes by Commonalities - need to raise an issue in Commonalities (Rafal Artych ) to discuss if it is a breaking change to change error codes (add, update, remove) as we need the guidance - this may lead to update of API guidelines document
would be nice to have a linting rule for checking mandatory error codes
@Tanja: fixed the Sandbox page and added repo field - done
Update of the API release tracker template was done:
added a column with explanatory information - removing text from the main table
added a field where a NEW API can be indicated that was not part of a meta-release before. THis would need to be maually added to the already created API release trackers.
Spring25 meta-release
M2 date was updated on the Spring25 meta-release plan to be on the date of the alpha releases availability: 12-06. The alpha releases include all changes impacting API definitions. Sub Projects can work for their M3 with the available alpha releases.
API release PRs for M3 are to be done ASAP.
Proposal from Release Management to TSC is to shift M3 to 2025-01-15 (final cut-off date for API release PRs
Decision on date will be discussed at TSC on Dec 19th.
Email after TSC on early release PR reception is good Tanja de Groot
Fall24 meta-release
Fall24 is closed; Patch updates of APIs can be done as needed.
Issues review
Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle enhancement #94 opened on Sep 6 by hdamker - propose to close as all WGs have now created their rm.n release. Tanja de Groot to check documentation
Ongoing API reviews
QualityOnDemand r1.3 patch release review review #130 opened last week by hdamker 12 tasks - Tanja de Groot
Meetings of Dec 24 and Dec 31st have been cancelled. Restarting on Jan 7th, 2025 with weekly meeting.
During vacation time, feel free to create and execute on review items for the Spring25 APIs