2024-12-17 Release WG Minutes

Community Attendees:

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:



Antitrust Policy

  • Action item review

  • Release Management releases

  • Spring25 meta-release

  • Fall24 meta-release

  • Issues review

  • AOB


Action item review

Release Management releases

  • Public release of the RM repository to be done for M2 (exception from โ€œnormalโ€ release at M1 for Spring25 meta-release).

  • Updates to be done:

    • patch creation: shall update the existing release tracker propose to add guidelines that the patch shall

      • update the release tracker page title to reflect the patch version

      • update the API version field

      • NOT update the Target version field

The above was called out on the all hands call last week

  • @Tanja de Groot add guidelines to republish Fall24 APIs to Spring25 (probably all APIs need to update to new versions of Commonalities and ICM)

    • change on error codes by Commonalities - need to raise an issue in Commonalities (@Rafal Artych ) to discuss if it is a breaking change to change error codes (add, update, remove) as we need the guidance - this may lead to update of API guidelines document

      • would be nice to have a linting rule for checking mandatory error codes

    • @Tanja: fixed the Sandbox page and added repo field - done

    • Update of the API release tracker template was done:

      • added a column with explanatory information - removing text from the main table

      • added a field where a NEW API can be indicated that was not part of a meta-release before. THis would need to be maually added to the already created API release trackers.

Spring25 meta-release


  • M2 date was updated on the Spring25 meta-release plan to be on the date of the alpha releases availability: 12-06. The alpha releases include all changes impacting API definitions. Sub Projects can work for their M3 with the available alpha releases.


  • API release PRs for M3 are to be done ASAP.

  • Proposal from Release Management to TSC is to shift M3 to 2025-01-15 (final cut-off date for API release PRs

  • Decision on date will be discussed at TSC on Dec 19th.

  • Email after TSC on early release PR reception is good @Tanja de Groot

Fall24 meta-release

  • Fall24 is closed; Patch updates of APIs can be done as needed.

Issues review

Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle enhancement #94 opened on Sep 6 by hdamker - propose to close as all WGs have now created their rm.n release. @Tanja de Groot to check documentation

Ongoing API reviews

QualityOnDemand r1.3 patch release review review #130 opened last week by hdamker 12 tasks - @Tanja de Groot



  • Meetings of Dec 24 and Dec 31st have been cancelled. Restarting on Jan 7th, 2025 with weekly meeting.

  • During vacation time, feel free to create and execute on review items for the Spring25 APIs


Action items