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Action Items Review
Spring25 meta-release
Issues review
Action Items Review
See previous minutes: 2025-02-18 Release WG Minutes
On issue: Update of versioning guidelines for the url field · Issue #405 · camaraproject/Commonalities: proposed solution to include full version number in url for alpha and release-candidate APIs was rejected and a new issue is opened for Fall25: #158.
OTPvalidation OTPValidation and NumberVerification: open an issue for each API and create a new release-candidate applying Spring25 versioning guidelines Jose Luis Urien Pinedo PRs to be done by Herbert Damker. - Done. a r2.2 was created for each API.
Check where in the repositories we can optimize release / version number changes Herbert Damker: tbd
Test plan guidelines including places where versions / release nrs should be used. Also more test artifacts will be defined by Commonalities team. in case of multiple feature files. Use an include mechanism in gherkin if exists.
check between README and Changelog to optimise the 3 links to OAS/swagger/xxx
linting rules for checking version / release nrs and reference to “main”
Tanja de Groot open an issue in RM on the above and find a programmer
Tanja de Groot to create a new issue in WebRTC with review comments - done Post M3 Release Management review issue (to be used for M4) · Issue #70 · camaraproject/WebRTC
Change back Sandboxed → Sandbox Tanja de Groot - done: Sandbox APIs
Rafal Artych to provide the exact guideline - done:
Herbert Damker to update the review template for M4 reviews - done and in use
Tanja de Groot Mail after TSC on start of public release review cycle and updates needed for M4 - done
Spring25 meta-release (Spring25)
13 new APIs and 22 updated Fall24 APIs (of 25) are candidate for Spring25. Total of 35 APIs in 19 API repositories
Some APIs were moved to Sandbox APIs (APIs not yet in any meta-release)
DoneDo we have all Sandbox API pages ? if not, should we get them and how ?
An option is to do this when setting up the repository. Maybe include some information in the readme files ?
Declared passed by TSC on feb 20th
M3 declared by TSC for Fevb20thFev 20th: API reviews remaining (see Issues review below
WebRTC and xxx were published without RM approval but post M3 comments have been provided in dedicated issues and are being addressed, if possible for M4
Review issues are starting to be created with explicit Commonalities alignment points to be checked listed in the review issue. Assignment to be done elowbelow.
target date for public release PRs: Feb 28th (M4)
target date for reviews: tbdreviews should be done by March 14.
Latest release publishing to be done by March 19th.
March 15: target date for M5. Target declaration of M5 by TSC on March 20th.
is OK for input to marketing.@
@ Plan to create an update of the marketing slides (technical part on release mgmt)
Issues review
Issues · camaraproject/ReleaseManagement
M4 review issues
assign reviewers
M4 RM issues
Public release of Release Management for Spring25? wg management #169 opened yesterday by hdamker
Update README for documentation #162 opened last week by tanjadegroot: no need to shorten as it is already published by markeiting. - to be closed (not used)
Test result statement for stable APIs within Spring25 meta-release (M4) Spring25 wg management #161 opened 2 weeks ago by hdamker
Tanja de Groot Add link to test issue example in checkist exlanation on Wiki.
Fall25 RM issues
Fall25: Update of versioning guidelines for servers.url fall25 release management #158 opened 2 weeks ago by tanjadegroot
Discuss the versioning in event structure enhancement fall25 #157 opened 3 weeks ago by tanjadegroot
Update of versioning guidelines for the url field #163 opened 3 weeks ago by tanjadegroot
can be closed and will be continued in issue #158
New point: think about giving write access to API repositories some release managers in order to be able to block mergng a release for Fall25 - at least one more Herbert Damker investigate how to enforce review by release mgmt in a blocking way. Tanja de Groot to create an issue on this.
Updated text for website: please see Release Management Working Group description
The result is visible here Release Management – Camara Project.
Update: all repositories can now be read by all members (maintainers & codeowners) and cross reviews can be done; mentions can be done (base permission = read)