2025-02-18 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Tanja de Groot @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Ola Ajibola @Pedro Dรญez Garcรญa
Community Attendees:
@Santiago Troncoso @Herbert Damker
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Spring25 meta-release
Issues review
Action Items Review
See previous minutes: 2025-02-11 Release WG Minutes
On issue: Update of versioning guidelines for the url field ยท Issue #405 ยท camaraproject/Commonalities: proposed solution was to include full version number in url for alpha and release-candidate APIs.
Has been applied in Spring25 by OTPvalidation and NumberVerification
Issues were opened:
Update of versioning guidelines for the url field ยท Issue #163 ยท camaraproject/ReleaseManagement - to be closed after the new release-candidates (see below)
Discussion is still open for Fall25: not an issue to have clashes
needs update of RM guidelines ? No
open an issue for each API and create a new release-candidate @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo PRs to be done by @Herbert Damker.
check at the same time where to optimize reease / version number changes @Herbert Damker
Spring25 meta-release
13 new APIs and 22 updated Fall24 APIs (of 25) are candidate for Spring25. Total of 35 APIs in 19 API repositories
Two Sub Projects decided to skip the Spring25 and go to Fall25:
dedicated-networks, as still under design
simple-edge-discovery which will take the time to do a redesign to better align with CAMARA guidelines.
Some APIs were moved to Sandbox APIs (APIs not yet in any meta-release)
change back Sanboxed โ Sandbox @Tanja de Groot
Commonalities 0.5.0 public release PR (WIP): Release 2.3 ยท Pull Request #419 - RM review to be done when ready.
breaking change between RC and public: the sink field format in subscription APIs
All API Sub Projects providing a subscription API shall be updated for M4, no client impact
http โ https for the subscription endpoints (is implementation guideline only in the description field)
subscription template had a bug - need to check if the bug is not present in the APIs
NO version number update is needed (for M4 except to the normal public version)
@Rafal Artych to provide the exact guideline
@Herbert Damker to update the review template for M4 reviews
ICM 0.3.0 public release PR is available: Spring25 Public Release r2.3 ยท Pull Request #269 - RM approval was given
No client breaking updates nor API definition impacts
4 API reviews remaining (see Issues review below
WebRTC was published without RM approval but will still be reviewed. to be discussed.
Finale decisions will be made at TSC on Feb 20.
Reviews will start after Commonalities public release is available
Mail after TSC on start of public release review cycle and updates needed for M4
Feb 28th
March 15: target date for M5. is OK for input to marketing.@
@ Plan to create an update of the marketing slides (technical part on release mgmt)
Issues review
Issues ยท camaraproject/ReleaseManagement
WebRTC: @Tanja de Groot to create a new issue with review comments
Updated text for camaraproject.org website: please see Release Management Working Group description
The result is visible here Release Management โ Camara Project.
New point: think about giving write access to some release managers for Fall25