Community Attendees:
Maximilian.Laue Joachim Dahlgren Cetin Alpaycetin Fernando Prado Cabrillo Surajj Jaggernath Ludovic Robert Ola Ajibola James Emerson Rafal Artych Javier Carro
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Approve previous meeting minutes
Approved ? Yes
Open issues and PRs
Spring25 Meta-Release
Pre-release PR#290 contributed by Maximilian.Laue
geofencing: v0.4.0-rc.1
location-retrieval: v0.4.0-rc1
location-verification: v2.0.0-rc1
All three feature files updated
location verification user story updated
All three checklists provided
README.MD updated updated
Issue 293 - Allow zero-length strings in x-correlator header
To be managed as an easy one
Do we fix this in PR#290?
Ludovic Robert will apply in the PR
issue 294 - Updated message field and description for Error 429
To be managed as an easy one
Do we fix this in PR#290?
Ludovic Robert will apply in the PR
issue 133 - Define guidelines for geofencing implementation
Prepare a table with all the case (Strict/Loose - entered/left - Initial event true/false).
Define guidelines for geofencing implementation documentation is removed from Spring25 version.
Removed in the scope issue