2025-01-14 Device Location - Meeting Minutes
Jan 14, 2025
Attendees & Representation
Community:ย @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Cetin Alpaycetin @Joachim Dahlgren @Maximilian Laue @Rafal Artych
Antitrust Policy
Approve previous meeting minutes
Approved ?
Open issues and PRs
Spring25 Meta-release
Created API trackers for the current 3 APIs. Updated with new row (New)
Alignment with Commonalities implies a new major version
geofencing-subscriptions to be 0.4 due to the lack of any implementation certified GSMA
location-retrieval could be upgraded to stable but no one was particularly interested right now. We are also adding the new functionality for maxSurface and it would be good to have some feedback from customers
Are we all OK with targeting version 0.4 for it?
Initial: Orange, Telefonica, DT
Stable: Ericsson
No preference from Vodafone
Can we agree on a target version?
An issue per API created:
M3 Deadline: 2025-01-17 (next Friday)
Still many discussions open in Commonalities/ICM affecting the meta-release
Next TSC meeting on Thursday will decide on final deadlines.
Also to be discussed in Release Management this afternoon.
A release candidate PR to be created
The PRs with changes in APIs/test plans have to be merged first
Open topics for Spring25
Align API with all changes from Commonalities and ICM:
Still open discussions in Commonalities that may impact ongoing PRs
Should we wait till they are closed or should we create RC before deadline?
Update location-verification.yaml for Spring25
Test plan to be updated as part of the same PR
Update location-retrieval for Spring25
Ready to be merged
Update geofencing-subscriptions for Spring25
A new issue and PR to be created to update the test plan
If something is decided in Commonalities that affects the spec we would create a new PR for the change.
@Joachim Dahlgren to open a new issue in Commonalities to discuss a possible change in some of the documentation around device and user identification
New: Update example string values for properties defined as date-time format
PR: Add quote-marks for "lastLocationTime" and "subscriptionExpireTime" - examples
Approved. Merged during the meeting
Update location-retrieval with add
managementOnly minor suggestion pending
@Ludovic Robert to review the suggestion. Can be merged then.
Support of Multi-SIM lines in DeviceLocation APIs
Proposal by @Javier Carro
Review latest comments
Should we proceed with a PR?
@Javier Carro to propose a PR with the proposed changes in the API specs.
Define guidelines for geofencing implementation
Latest proposal t by @Maximilian Laue
Should we restrict to LOOSE & STRICT enum? There is still doubts about the better model
@Maximilian Laue to propose a PR to continue the discussion
[Verification/Geofencing]: Decrease the minimum of a Circle radius
Discussion on the minimum radius on Geofencing & Location verification
New PR: [location-verification / geofencing]: decrease radius minimum to "1" for circle-area
Review comments
This should me merged after the PRs adapting the error codes
When the PR is only affecting the description we can make a final review
Other topics
Discuss data minimization for geofencing event
Following issue camaraproject/Commonalities#295
Review status, in scope for Spring25?
@Ludovic Robert to update and see if anything has to be applied to geofencing
API enhancement - Support of landlines
This is not a short/medium term requirement for Telefonica - no prioritized for other company.
We keep for feature for future consideration
Should be proposed first to API Backlog Working Group
Any supporters? As of now no.
Release patch r1.3
It has been decided to skip the patch r1.3 due to the lack of relevant fixes.
If something important is reported in the future we will create a dedicated branch for it
Issue created to have a tracking: Scope for potential patch r1.3
Action items
Next meeting