General Updates
Working Groups
Sub Projects & Sandbox API Repositories
General Updates |
New Participants |
1259 people from 423 companies have joined CAMARA
2251 people and 533 companies are in (first) talks
Logos see landscape
New Premier / General Member
New Participating Organizations
UTH UK Limited
Fund Updates |
If you require support or meeting changes, please send an email to
Wiki re-org
Technical Steering Committee |
Two TSC meetings since last AHC: 2025-02-20 TSC Minutes 2025-03-06 TSC Minutes
The TSC decided to require two-factor-authentication 2FA to be enabled for all CAMARA GitHub project organization members (= Codeowners and Maintainers). That will technically be enforced on March 24th. All contributors are also encouraged to follow the recommendations of GitHub and secure their accounts with 2FA. GitHub is offering several options for that.
Little change of terminology: the three maturity stages for API Repositories are now named:
The TSC has promoted in its vote the following nine repositories to “Incubating” based on the achieved requirements - congratulations!
NumberVerification, OTPValidation, SimSwap will be managed in one Sub Project under the (current) name “Number Verification”. SimpleEdgeDiscovery is part of EdgeCloud Sub Project. The other are currently constituting their own Sub Projects.
The remaining four repositories from Fall24 meta-release (CarrierBilingCheckOut, ConnectivityInsights, HomeDeviceQoD, PopulationDensityData) can apply for promotion to Incubating as soon they are fulfilling the requirements (especially: have public deployments at API providers) by opening an issue in APIBacklog Working Group
API Backlog
TSC approved the following new Sandbox API Repositories (yet to be created):
IoT Device Management
IoT SIM Fraud Prevention API
Application Profile as a new repository in context of ConnectivityInsights to host the development of the existing application-profiles API
Two further APIs are currently to be approved in a TSC vote (running until Friday, March, 14th):
IoT Network Optimization
Dynamic Predictive Connectivity Data
Release Management
Very good progress towards the M4 milestone of Spring25, see below. Keep the good work ongoing until we are done!
Public release r2.3 for Spring25 (Commonalities 0.5.0) available since 2025-02-21
New repository for Tooling approved by TSC, and already created, see below
Identity & Consent Management (ICM)
Public release r2.3 for Spring25 (ICM 0.3.0) available since 2025-02-18
New API Repository for “ConsentInfo” under supervision of the working group proposed, TSC vote ongoing, but majority vote already reached
Working Group Updates |
Marketing (Outreach Committee) |
Marketing materials:
CAMARA Presentation and Onepager have been updated 28th of February to have the current view on APIs, Sub Projects and logos; new versions is available on GitHub and Website
Marketing concept 2025 available on GitHub
MWC activities (pictures here):
Share signage for members to use in their booth - available here: CAMARA @ MWC
PoD at GSMA booth Mon 8-12, Wed 15-19, Thu 8-12
Presentation at DevCon on 4 March 17:20
Reception hosted by Red Hat and Telefonica on 4 March 19:00- RSVP at this link:
BCN LATAM Summit 2025
CAMARA presentation, event link
KubeCon activities:
Presentation at 1 April (Cloud Native Telco Day)
CAMARA booth at KubeCon 2 April - 4 April
2025 planning: See list of events
Update for API descriptions in progess (55 of 59 done, add. new APIs to add):
API table agreed between CAMARA and Open Gateway, available at CAMARA Website
Developer-friendly API descriptions, implemented as sub-pages of CAMARA website, replacing current Sub Project pages, linked in API table.
Links to Wiki (Sub Project and API), GitHub repositories (API), API releases, GSMA public launch status page
Thx to LF creative team and to all CAMARA Sub Projects and Working Groups for the support!
Release Management |
Spring25 (Meta-release Spring25)
13 new APIs and 22 updated Fall24 APIs (of 25) are candidate for Spring25. Total of 35 APIs in 19 API repositories
M2 was declared by TSC on Feb 20th
M3 was declared by Release Management in TSC on Feb 20th
M4 targeted for March 19, so final date for API public releases
All 19 API repositories public release PRs have been reviewed by the Release Management team.
API Sub Projects are working on their public release creation:
12 repositories have release their APIs
7 repositories ongoing
Tentative target for finalizing the public releases is March 14.
REMINDER: all APIs that want to release as stable version must provide at least one test statement. TSC will decide on whether the provided information is sufficient to go for a stable API publication.
M5 targeted for TSC meeting on March 20th
M6 target for March 31st
Fall25 Meta-release Fall25
Kickoff (M0 March 31st) to be prepared (March 31).
M1 April 15th Commonalities and ICM have started work on scope definitions.
DedicatedNetworks and SimpleEdgeDiscovery are first candidates.
Proposed to do one or two "onboarding" session(s) for the Maintainers and Codeowners in the new repositories about the Release Management process and which artifacts they need to create to be part of the (next) meta-release. That session can be recorded and linked to teh RM home page.
All documentation is here: Release Management Working Group
Commonalities |
Commonalities version 0.5.0 published in release 2.3 on
Issues review:
Focus on
New issues are welcome to prepare the scope for Fall25.
Target dates for Fall25 :
M0 | 03-31 | kick-off preparation |
M1 (Commonalities & ICM) | 04-15 | Alpha release |
Announcements is up and running
Open discussion:
APIBacklog |
New APIs Proposals under discussion:
#35 (5G New Calling), #63 (IMEI Fraud), #17 (Consent and Measurement), #23 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing), #24 (Steering of Roaming Information), #115 (SIM Historical Information), #121 (User Account Spend Count), #122 (Number Of Cards Under User's ID), , #136 (eSIM Remote Management), #157 (Voice Notification), #160 (Voice Verification Code), #167 (IdentityAndConsentManagement)
APIs brought to TSC from January:
Energy Footprint Notification
Facial Recognition
Device Management
IoT SIM Fraud Prevention
Application Profile (new repo, enhancement)
IoT Network Optimization (pending offline approval)
Network Health Assessment (pending offline approval)
Network Traffic Analysis (pending offline approval)
Dynamic Predictive Connectivity Data (pending offline approval)
Closing WoW for API onboarding and tracking process:
Update for API-onboarding document (PR #171) to align with backlog & Sandbox/Incubated approach.
Reformatted document structure
Proposed reorganization of API backlog:
Backlog trackers to follow repository evolution
New dynamic table (hosted in Confluence) for APIs under specification to avoid duplication with other tracks. Only one source of truth.
Adding marketing & participants template page for APIs.
Once API descriptions were approved, a dedicated page was created for each API in CAMARA webpage.
Confluence page per API repo includes now API description and participants list.
To be updated with spring25 release, and to be included in the meta-release API readiness checklist.
Incubation Process: Incubating Candidates Fall24
New incubation candidates to be presented, including supporters and deployment statement to confirm API validity.
New Role: Eric Murray added as codeowner.
IdentityAndConsentManagement |
New issue to prepare Fall25 release
Consent URL API vs OIDC consent collection #224
A new repo is going to be created to work on Consent URL/Info API
New issue regarding consent in ICM Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA).
It seems that the flow as currently described is not GDPR compliant.
Sub Project & Sandbox Updates |
BlockchainPublicAddress |
CallForwardingSignal |
CapabilitiesAndRuntimeRestrictions |
New Repository
CarrierBillingCheckOut |
ClickToDial |
ConnectivityInsights |
CustomerInsights |
DedicatedNetworks |
DeviceIdentifier |
DeviceLocation |
DeviceStatus / DeviceDataVolume / DeviceQualityIndicator |
DeviceSwap |
Addition informations:
EdgeCloud / SimpleEdgeDiscovery |
HighThroughputElasticNetworks |
New repository according to
HomeDevicesQoD |
KnowYourCustomer / Tenure / Number Recycling / Subscription Status |
KYC Match/ KYC Fill-in / KYC Age Verification
Number Recycling
Subscription Status
LocationInsights |
ModelAsAService |
(initial entry added by Herbert Damker)
NetworkAccessManagement |
NetworkSliceBooking |
NumberVerification / OTPValidation / SimSwap |
Number Verification
Additional information:
PopulationDensityData |
QualityOnDemand / QoSBooking |
RegionDeviceCount |
SessionInsights |
ShortMessageService |
(Part of EdgeCloud Sub Project … information to be moved there)
SiteToCloudVPN |
@Dan Xu
VerifiedCaller |
@Dan Xu
WebRTC |