2024-07-10 Carrier Billing - Meeting Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Ludovic Robert @Pedro Díez García @Rafal Artych Pones Josef

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Jul 10, 2024


Status: FINAL

Final Date for Comments: Jul 21, 2024 


Antitrust Policy

  • Action Items Review

  • Agenda 1

  • Agenda 2


Management of WG

  • Meetings in Zoom: @Pedro Díez García PENDING to ping again Evan Harrison from LF in order to generate Meeting Link in Zoom. ON-HOLD in summer period (will manage this after summer period).


Consolidated Work


Issues Review










Refund Functionality - Issue#104




Carrier Billing Scope for Meta Release v0.4 - Fall24




Issue is updated with administrative processes to be handled:

Administrative Procedures:

  1. Update API Readiness Checklist format and information: Update API Readiness Checklist format and information for Meta-Release Fall24 #163

  2. Update User Stories: Update User Stories Document for Meta Release v0.4 - Fall24 #162

  3. Have initial Testing Feature: Testing - Generate Gherkin Testing feature(s) for Carrier Billing for Meta-Release Fall24 #159

RC procedure:
Generate Release Candidate Carrier Billing versions for Meta Release v0.4 - Fall24 #164

During the meeting is commented this issue is intented to be closed when the full process of MetaRelease v0.4 is covered (i.e. latest issue to be closed)

Update API Readiness Checklist format and information for Meta-Release Fall24 #163



Issue created to generate API Readiness Information according to Release management guidelines.
PR is pending. Can be triggered but will not be merged after Issues #159 and #162 are completed in order to reflect the real "status".

Discussed within the WG, Rafal and Ludovic shares the view of provide initial PR with expected target but not merge it until reached it.
Ludovic also explained how it has been managed within OTPvalidation API Subproject.

It will be probably generated the PR in the next week.

Update User Stories Document for Meta Release v0.4 - Fall24 #162



Issue created to update User Stories information according to MetaRelease Fall24 scope
PR pending. Expected to be generated during week 29

This track is something that can be managed for M4 milestone.

Testing - Generate Gherkin Testing feature(s) for Carrier Billing for Meta-Release Fall24 #159



Issue updated to reflect that as current Release management Guidelines, Basic testing would be enough. To be commented during the meeting
PR is pending. Expected to have in 1 or 2-weeks.

Ludovic comments Basic testing is agreed to be the first step on this track. Also Rafal/Josef are fine with that. This is aligned with the comment reflected by Pedro within the Issue. So the agreement is to have Basic testing for MetaRelease v0.4 and work in enhancements in future MetaReleases.

This track is something that can be managed for M4 milestone.

Generate Release Candidate Carrier Billing versions for Meta Release v0.4 - Fall24 #164



Issue to track the management of generated the release candidate proposals for Carrier Billing Payment and Carrier Billing Refunds
PR is pending. Expected to be generated along July/24.

Feedback provided by Orange (Ludovic) and DT (Rafal) indicating the most priority action for M3 milestone is the yaml ready for "release-candidate".
This track will be the one prioritized to be ready at worst for 15th July EOD.

- Next Actions

  • Prioritize Issue 164 as it is the most relevant for M3 Milestone (21st of July)



  • Next Meetings will be held:

    • On 1st of August (16:00 - 17:00)

    • On 21th of August (16:00 - 17:00)

Action items