2024-04-11 API backlog minutes


Charter CommunicationsChristopher Aubut 

Jorge Garcia Hospital 

Ignacio Dominguez


Noel Wirzius

Agenda Proposal

  • Antitrust Policy
  • Approval of minutes of last conf. call
  • Recent Updates & Recap
  • Review of Action Points
  • Discussion
    • OGW Drop #3 APIs:  #375 (Device Quality Indicator)
    • Other APIs#351 (Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement), #372 (Receive SMS),  #395 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing),  #395 (Steering of Roaming Information)
    • API Scope evolution: #402 #404 (QoD subgroup scope Change)
    • Governance: #367 (Structures and roles, RACI, Maintainers initiative)
  • Closing Issues
    •  #336 (OGW Home Location Verification), #330  (Device Visit Location), #376 (Best Interconnection), #378 (Customer Premise Equipment Management), #383 (Capability and Runtime Restrictions)
  • Action Points
  • AOB
  • Q&A

Antitrust Policy

The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LinusFoundation.


New Procedures in API Backlog WG meetings

A number of improvements are under discussion with leadership team of OGW project (Henry), CAMARA Project (Markus), Product Definition WS (Helene) and TSC (Herbert). As of today, the WG adopted agreements are three:

  1. To close the agenda SEVEN DAYS BEFORE the conf. call.
    • In case a WG participant wants to include a point in the agenda (e.g., present a new API proposal), this participant shall ensure the corresponding issue is opened in Github by then.
    • Exceptional situations will be treated separately.
  2. New schedule of conf. calls **The meetings are to be held by Linux Foundation (Links available at GitHub and Confluence Backlog front pages)
    • 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11 CET)
    • 4th Thursday of the month (15-16 CET)
  3.  Send agenda to TSC mail list, to encourage more TSC member companies to join the call and provide comments when they identify APIs which are of interest for them. 

Meeting Minutes within Wiki instead of Github

  • CAMARA community agreed that meeting minutes would only be recorded in the wiki

Approval of minutes of last conf. call

  • Minutes of last API backlog WG call available here
    • DECISION:  Approved

Recent Updates & Recap

TSC meeting 5th April:

  • The API Backlog subgroup will have its own github repo. Initial Maintainers have been requested. Those of you that have been active within the last meetings have received an email requesting for comitment/refusal:
  • NameCompanyCommits?
    Ricardo SerranoTelefonicaYES
    Eric MurrayVodafoneYES
    Pierre CloseATT
    Randy LevensalorCableLabs
    Chris AubutCharter CommunicationYES
    Noel WirziusDeutsche TelekomYES
    Jan FrimanEricsson
    Mark CornallGSMAYES
    Zhang KaiHuawei
    Tanja De GrootNokia
    Ludovic RobertOrangeYES
    Nitin SoodSchabodi
    Jorge Garcia HospitalTelefonicaYES
    Javier Villa LabarraTelefonicaNO
    Kevin SmithVodafone
  • There was no time to treat the API proposals. 
  • Only CPE management: Need to decide the name and transmit this to the TSC for the subproject to be created (offline) → The TSC is aware of the proposal: Home Devices - Network Access Management

Other topics

In the sake of the health of the CAMARA group, so that the projects do not lose their activity as soon as they are born, it will be proposed that in order to approve new API proposals, these must be supported by at least 3 companies (MNO or suppliers indistinctly). An issue will be opened within governance encompassing this.

Backlog table

Review of Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date



WG delegates

Delegates from interested parties to prepare a list of questions for this API, for Nick to answer them.






To draft a simple figure illustrating the API logic with a high-level workflow, and attach it to the PR.  






Ricardo to share the RACI in the issue 367 comments, after making CAMARA specific document and validation by TSC




20240327-01TelefonicaJorge to reopen the PR#337 and change the Proposal name (Most Frequent Location) and add the new supporters (TIM)336


20240327-02RicardoPropose to SMS (ShortMessageService) Subproject-owners integrating ReceiveSMS API proposal in the existing SMS (ShortMessageService) Subproject to create a new API family before moving to tsc372


Done within Issue #9 · camaraproject/ShortMessageService


Current Issues 

351CentillionNew Proposal for Authorization for Advertisements, Advertisements Consent, and Measurement
The API template is available in PR#386.

The issue was not treated in this conference call 

  • AP 20230208-01 still open.

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated



Adapt Project StructuresAndRoles.MD to changes in API backlog table (reduction of comments)
The aim is to update the governing document to reflect on the updated changes on API submission pipeline, according to the new structure of the API backlog table.

The RACI was presented to the TSC and there was no objection anyhow explicit approval is not reflected in the TSC Minutes 21/03

It is assumed RACI and so new WoW as approved

This way of work have been firstly adopted by the QoD subgroup which is proposing a scope change in the Working Group issues (#404 and #403) which may be treated in the next conference call

The API Backlog subgroup will have its own github repo. Initial Maintainers have been requested. Those of you that have been active within the last meeting have received an email requesting for commitment/refusal:

Ricardo is currently working on modeling a new table

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

372TotogiNew Proposal: Receive SMS
The API template is available in PR#391

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated


Deutsche Telekom

New Proposal: Device Quality Indicator
The API template is available in PR#380
Input from OGW Drop 3

Noel proposed Device Status subgroup to integrate their APIs within Noel's. Noel to make the proposal to the API Backlog and provide update

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

ACTION:  AP: Noel updating proposal with new fields. Start in parallel while device status API is split



New Proposal: Carrier Wholesale Pricing
The API template is available in PR#393

First YAML avaliable here

The issue was not treated in this conference call

The issue is not eligible to be closed yet.

DECISION: not treated


Netfocusin Technologies

New Proposal: Steering of Roaming Management
The API template is available in PR#398

Does not seem to be in the Scope of Camara. 

DECISION: Discuss this in the next meeting (whenever Netfocusin Technologies is able to connect)

402 404


Scope Change: QoD API

The API template is available in PR#403

 Noel: (mobileQoD to QoD change) Consider the combination or relationship between QoD and CPE/Home Devices subproject

Eric: (provision) difficult to ensure a pfile characteristic (throughput, latency) for a long time. Let's discuss in the subgroup.

Also, shall same mechanism apply to HomeQoD? to be brought tto Home QoD subgroup.

DECISION: Both approved

Closing Issues

330China UnicomNew API proposal: Device Visit Location
The API template is available in PR#329

China Unicom and Telefonica to create a single family for both API: Location Insights, Use historical informations to manage location information of the user.


    • API de Device Visit Location (china unicom)
    • Most Frequent Location (telefonica & TIM)
336TelefónicaNew API proposal: OGW Home Location Verification
The API template is available in PR#337.
Input from OGW Drop 3

China Unicom and Telefonica to create a single family for both APIs: Location Insights, Use historical informations to manage location information of the user.

TIM is supporting Home Location Verification but changing the name so to reach a wider scope. 


    • API de Device Visit Location (china unicom)
    • Most Frequent Location (telefonica & TIM)

Deutsche Telekom

Best Interconnection
The API template is available in PR#381
Input from OGW Drop 3

The issue was not treated in this conference call. Noel aplogized in advance and suggested to wait till April first week TSC meeting to move on with this API



Charter Communications

CPE management
The API template is available in PR#379.       First YAML available here.

CPE Management API proposal was approved by TSC.

Ricardo has to provide the CODEOWNERS and initial MAINTAINERS to the TSC. This have been provided within Issue#378_comment

HomeDevicesQoD owners queried to have this API in a separated github project despite having regular meetings to align common terms (API Family). This involves having more than one CODEOWNER for this API (no further problem)

New github subproject to be created: Home Devices - Network Access Management 

DECISION: GiutHub repo name approved


T-Mobile US

Capability and Runtime Restrictions
The API template is available in PR#384

It was accepted by the TSC to treat this as a new API

intitial YAML files to be included in the API TEMPLATE

The issue was not treated in this conference call

New Issues

Action Points

AP #

AP Owner

AP description

Related issue

Due date


20240411-01Deustche TelekomNoel updating proposal with new fields. Start in parallel while device status API is split375


20240411-02API Backlog GovernanceApprove ScopeEnhancementAPI proposal for QoD (PR#403)402 404


20240411-03Telefonica&DTModify the README for the QualityOnDemand subproject and include the new Scope enhancement402 404



Decision Points

DP #

DP description

Related issue

20240411-01Scope Change: QoD API. Both issues are approved (merge the ScopeChange proposal)402 404

Discuss this in the next meeting (whenever Netfocusin Technologies is able to connect)



Next Backlog conf. call: 25th April, 15-16 CET.

Next TSC conf. call: 18th April, 17-18 CET


How does CAMARA API pipeline work?

The pipeline consists of FOUR stages:
A. Submission of the API proposal.
B. Evaluation of the API proposal.
C. API proposal voting & decision.
D. Sub-Project setup.

The following clauses provides details on individual stages.

Stage A: Submission of the API proposal

Participants: API owner.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. To proceed with the submission, the API owner shall follow these steps:

  1. Fill in the template available here and save it with the following name: "APIproposal_<APIname>_<owner>. md" locally.
  2. Create a new issue in the API Backlog Working Group repository, labeled with "API Backlog".
  3. Upload the filled-in template to GitHub repository folder for API proposals via Pull Request. This Pull Request shall be associated to the issue created in the previous step.

Stage B: Evaluation of the API proposal

Participants: API owner, API backlog WG.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. Upon submission, the API owner will present the proposal in the next API backlog WG meeting, to socialize it with the rest of partners. In paralell..

  1. The WG chair checks that the template is duly filled in. Otherwise, the API owner is requested to provide missing information.
  2. After this sanity check, each WG participant declares their support. If a company wants to become supporter of an API, then a delegate of this company needs to add the company's name in the 'supporters' column in the API backlog table. The more support an API proposal gets, the better (it may get more traction).
  3. When the API owner considers the API proposal is in good shape to go for approval, it informs the WG chair accordingly.
  4. Upon receiving this information, the WG chair merges the Pull Request into the main branch, and sends the API proposal to the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of CAMARA. This action shall be completed at least one week prior to the TSC meeting where the API proposal will be voted upon.

The whole procedure (steps 1-4) should be done within 2 regular meetings of the API Backlog WG. Nonetheless, it is up to the API owner to decide if it wants to shorten or extend this time period.

Stage C: API proposal & voting decision

Participants: TSC.
Description: The proccess is detailed here. Upon receiving the API proposal and notification from the API backlog WG chair, the TSC studies the proosal and votes it at the next TSC meeting.

NOTE 1: Possible decisions outcomes:

  • Not Accepted: The API proposal is rejected, and thus will not be included in any API Sub-Project. The TSC will need to inform the API backlog WG of this decision, and clarify next steps: either (1) remove this API proposal from backlog, with objecting companies providing justifications why; or (2) ask for changes (e.g., clarifications, corrections, gaps to be addressed) required in order for the API to be re-submitted by the API supporters.
  • Accepted: In this case, the TSC shall specify whether the API proposal is to be hosted by a new or existing Sub Project.

NOTE 2: The TSC may also propose changes to an API proposal and take the decision considering these changes. The TSC documents the decision in the CAMARA API overview list (fills in columns TSC date and TSC decision / Sub Project; in case of a No-Go "Rejected" is documented there).

Stage D: Sub-Project setup

Participants: API backlog WG, TSC, CAMARA admin team
Description: If an API proposal is accepted and there is a neeed to open a new Sub-Project, the following steps are needed:

  1. Supporting companies propose their initial maintainers to be added for the Sub-Project. The API backlog WG chair centralizes this information, and sends it to the TSC.
  2. The TSC will use this input to oficially nominate the initial maintainers by next TSC meeting.
  3. The CAMARA admin team creates the Sub-Project repository.

NOTE: After the initial maintainers are nominated, the criteria for further maintainers would be three months of active contribution to the sub project. Code owners are to be decided by the maintainers within the subproject.