2023-12-21 TSC Minutes

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.

Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table. 







Herbert Damker

 Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainer


Shilpa Padgaonkar

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainer


Jan Friman


Active Maintainer


Toshi (Toshiyasu) Wakayama


Active Maintainer


Ludovic Robert


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer


Adnan Saleem


EUC Representative

Doug Makishima

Summit Tech

EUC Representative


Diego González Martínez


Active Maintainer


Jose Luis Urien


Active Maintainer


Mahesh Chapalamadugu


EUC Representative

Eric Murray


TSC Deputy Chair


Kevin Smith


Active Maintainer

Chris Howell


Active Maintainer

George Glass

TM Forum

TM Form Representative

Henry Calvert


GSMA Representative 

Mark Cornall


GSMA Representative


LF Staff: @Casey Cain 

Community:   @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Nick Venezia @Tanja De Groot 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

Antitrust Policy

  • Roll Call

  • Action Items Review

  • Agenda Bashing

  • General Topics

    • API Backlog

    • Commonalities

    • Identity & Consent Management

    • Release Management

  • Any Other Topics


Action Item Review

Rule concerning previous meeting minutes approval: If no issue explicitly raised the meeting minutes are considerate as validated.

API Backlog

  • Name proposals and initial maintainers for already approved sub projects:

  • Proposed agreement (as already practised for some sub project proposals):

    • Decision about names & maintainer lists for already approved sub projects will be taken in lazy consensus if there there are no objections or additional nominations on the TSC mailing list within 48 hours

      • OK - no comment from the group

  • Proposed agenda topic by Nick Venizia in https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/90

    • Recommendation: Need to be discussed first in API Backlog to get a first feedback. Normally discussion in TSC cames after this first discussion in API Backlog


A lot of works has been in Commonalities this year

Identity & Consent Management

Release Management

  • Important updates:

    • Ludovic & Casey raised the point that we're missing Release Manager and we need 2

      • José highlighted that this role need a lot of dedication and probably not fdar from a full time job so not easy to find someone in the team

      • First: This point must be raised to the board (Herbert will do)

      • Then - alternatively  - Casey mail about looking for volunteer could be also send to the complete member list

        • Training sessions has been recorded

        • If struggling to find links then Casey can help.

  • Calls for actions

Open Issues in Governance

  • #113 Clarity on who are allowed to create new issues in Commonalities and TSC

    • Herbert ok with Jan proposal

    • OK for the team - Herbert will create a PR

  • #100 Provide a user-friendly snapshot for CAMARA users and developers

    • Herbert showed the need backlog table proposal

      • Ludovic raised an issue about Device Location 

        • Ludovic/José will craft a PR to solve this.

        • Tanja proposed to align family name with subproject name

        • We can drop this Family concept

        • Tanja also raised that we need also to improve how we find CAMARA assets by some automated scripts.

          • Mark said that Daniel has done some scripting.

  • #84 Change Working Groups into Sub Projects

    • "Working Group" or "Sub Project"?

      • They are still "Working Groups", as they are affecting multiple API Sub Projects. Sub Projects is reserved term for API projects

      • Commonalities → Working Group with own repository for their documents and artefacts

      • Release Management → dito

      • Identity & Consent Management → dito

      • Marketing Working Group → Will get "Outreach Committee", no own repository, but material complete in Wiki?

    • Update of project documents to reflect that.


  • Meeting on 1st Thursday within 2024 will be skipped (as agreed within last TSC meeting)

  • Next meeting will be on 3rd Thursday, so on January, 18th, 2024  

Action items