MoM - 240409 - WebRTC Working group


  • Ricardo Serrano (Telefónica)

  • Javier Villa (Telefónica)

  •  Rafał Artych (T-Mobile)

  • Deepak Jaiswal (T-Mobile USA)

  • Santiago Troncoso (Quobis)

  •  Bhabani (Meta)


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • PR#27 Flow Review

There isn't new comments, fixes Issues in the PR #18.

Santiago could provide some comments if is needed .

[Flow review - BYON by stroncoso-quobis · Pull Request #27 · camaraproject/WebRTC (]


  • PR#28 update BYON-Callhandling-Service.yaml

The PUT response should return a 200 OK status code, with the response body reflecting the updated session object. No new session object is being created, and thus status code 201 Created is not applicable.

[Update BYON-CallHandling-Service.yaml by JavierVillaLabarra · Pull Request #28 · camaraproject/WebRTC (]


  • PR#29 Updated BYON-Calling, BYON-RACM, BYON-Notification: ResourceURL  to sessionID/channelId

Deepak modified the BYON-Notification-Channel.yalm.

Removal of {deviceId} from the URI will lead to WebRTC gw not associating channels to the deviceId

Pradeep prefer to retain the deviceIdin the Uri for associating notification channels wih WebRTC sessions. However Deepak propose removing it as a mandatory parameter.


Comments the both ideas and clarify the best way to update this parameter.

[Update BYON-Calling, BYON-RACM, BYON-Notification: resourceURL to sessionId/channelId by deepakjaiswal1 · Pull Request #29 · camaraproject/WebRTC (


Open Issues:

There is no clear explanation of the ENUM status for sessions. Expected to include a dedicated section on the document and to formalize it on the API yaml: BYON-CallHandling-Service.yaml

  • Review if this work has been done.








Status description in flow [Issue#32(Include detailed status description · Issue #32 · camaraproject/WebRTC (


the lack of detail on the status field blocks the CallHandling flow definition. Some events could be clear, but they require explicit definition. I included some examples on issue #32, but I will really apprecaite some feedback on that point. Without it, map the flow with IMS netowrk becomes really complex. 

Reviewed the call flow and correct the status messages with the new information.

Problems on the current API description and it's translation to the flow


 JSON ACKs from webclient, probably directly extracted from the WebSocket notification option... but How a PSN will send n ACK?Do we lack of PUT messages there (example: message 14 of the call handling). Some discussion tomorrow about the content of these ACKs and if we need them or not, will be great.

Is it mandotaroy to have a notification channel?



Rewarding the linting rules against current API specification gives some warnings. [Issue#33](Application of linting rules · Issue #33 · camaraproject/WebRTC (


It is necessary to review the API deifnition and correct the warnig/error lines. 




Actions points.





Review de details on the status field from CallHandling flow deifnition. [Issue#32](Include detailed status description · Issue #32 · camaraproject/WebRTC (


Review the yaml and analize the potencial warnings and provide a updated version [Commonalities/documentation/ at main · camaraproject/Commonalities (]

[Issue#33](Application of linting rules · Issue #33 · camaraproject/WebRTC (







  • Next meeting will be the 23rd of April

  • From then to now the minutes will be uploaded to Confluence