2024-08-20 Device Swap Meeting Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Ludovic Robert @Rafal Artych @Krishna Venkatachalam @Jorge Garcia Hospitalย 


LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  • Action Items Review

  • Any comment on July 23th meeting minutes - no comments



Administrative stuff

  • CodeOwners:ย 

    • Pull request #8

    • Krishna Venkatachalamย  for MTN

    • Ludovic Robert for Orange

    • Others


API Design

  • Device Swap API could provided 2 distinct information:

    • Request last Device Swap date (When was the last device swap for the mobile line identified by the phone number +123456799?)

    • Check last Device swap by providing a delay (Does we had a device swap for the last 240 hours for the mobile line identified by the phone number +123456799?)

    • ย  Are we sharing same expectations of the API?

      • From Orange & Telefonica Yes

  • Are we considering this information as independent one from the other ? We can have different privacy requirement, different way to commercialize it. Technical implementation feasibility should be considered.

    • Jorge: If both endpoints consider the same kind of data age limitation (maxAge maximum value equal to the retrieve date maximum age), both endpoints should be considered as common and it will mostly be up to the developer to choose the best mechanism for retrieving the information.

      • Another rational is for consistency with SIM Swap

    • Ludovic: slight preference to split in order to be more flexible (avoid partial implementation, marketing could differ). If the team prefer to keep them in one yaml probably we should consider adding a monitorPeriod attribut to limit date retrieval (see discussion in SIM Swap here)

    • For Stefano during previous meeting this is 2 distinct commercial information and from business perspective this is different to sell.

  • How multi-SIM can affect this design?

    • Jorge: See @Jorge Garcia Hospital proposal : Proposal is to only consider new devices as a valid device swap event, e.g. establishing a margin of 1 or several months in which a device can be used in the same MSISDN without considering it a device Swap event, as no valuable information for the API consumers. Source here.

    • Probably we need to explore how 3GPP Monitoring event CHANGE_OF_IMSI_IMEI_ASSOCIATION ย works for multi-SIM.

    • ย Is Multi-SIM behavior a stopper to complete API design? probably no...

      • Jorge agreed. Multi-SIM is a distinct topic from API design and will be discussed in a distinct issue.

Roadmap plan:

  • Target to have a decision on one or 2 yaml for Sep 17, 2024 meeting

  • Target to have a v0.1 yaml merged forย Oct 1, 2024 aligned with current commonalities

Action items

@Ludovic Robert to ask to @Herbert Damker to proceed with administrative stuff for Maintainers & CodeOwners
MTN Group to take a look on EasyCLA policy (here: https://github.com/camaraproject/EasyCLA)