2024-08-28: Device Status - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance
LF Staff: na
Community: @Akos Hunyadi\@Ludovic Robert \ @Sachin kumar @Rafal Artych
Open pull requests
Open issues
Release management
Open PRs
#204 device-roaming-status-subscriptions: add missing enums to TerminationReason Fall24
#202 Prepare release r1.2 for M4 of CAMARA Fall24 release Fall24
Gherkin tests
New API - retrieve network type
Due to the draft state and the close deadline, it's not realistic to add the new APIs to the Fall24 release
Open issues
#203 device-roaming-status-subscription: TerminationReason missing enums Fall24
PR is open
#200 Create M4 release (r1.2) for Fall24 CAMARA release Fall24
PR is open
#199 Cleanup API_documentation folder Fall24
PR is open
#197 Remove 405 code in the yaml (for device-reachability-status.yaml & device-roaming-status.yaml) Fall24
PR is open
#175 Create basic Gherkin tests for the subscription APIs Fall24
PR is open
#174 Create basic Gherkin tests for the retrieve APIsFall24
PR is open
#172 Scope of DeviceStatus for Fall24 CAMARA release Fall24
Discussion on maturity level (initial/stable) (ref: API Release Process - CAMARA Project - Confluence)
Team position is for initial right now
#167 Check the Overlap between DeviceStatus and ShutdownServiceStatus
#157 Simplification of Device object - short term solution
Team position is to make device parameter optional and keep networkAccessIdentifier with additional comment not to use it currently.
#143 Extend: Device Status Connectivity with Standard
PRs are open
#138 How to respond if queried device does not have an active session?
Release management
Camara Meta Release fall 2024
M3: 1st release candidate created at 02.08.2024
M4: public release target date: 30.08.2024