2024-09-17 Device Swap Meeting Minutes

Community Attendees:

@stefano.falsetto@con.ckhiod.com @Ludovic Robert @Jorge Garcia Hospital 

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  • Any comments on Sep 3, 2024 meeting minutes?

    • No



  • @Jorge Garcia Hospital is added as Codeowner for Telefonica

    • PR#12 - We can close issue #3

    • Add @Jorge Garcia Hospital as Maintainer as well.


API Design

  • Closing today discussion on one or two yaml

    • No new update on the discussion 

    • Proposal to close the discussion with decision to go with  one yaml as discussed in previous meeting minutes. 

  • Next step: Craft the yaml

    • Proposal from Telefonica to provide a contribution.

      • Not add the monitoredPeriod attribute

      • Documentation discussion could continue after first yaml contribution

      • we have the phoneNumber as optional in the request.

  • Agenda

    • Yaml provided for Sep 20, 2024 

    • Documentation ready Oct 1, 2024 

    • Test definition ready Oct 1, 2024 

Action items