2024-10-09-sp-connectivity Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Mahesh Chapalamadugu @Kevin Smith @Rafal Artych @Máté Tamás Walthier @Ben Hepworth @Shafi Khan @Randy Levensalor

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  • Review additional scope planned for Application profiles yaml

  • Review quality by design discussion


Application profile API scope update

  • to support use cases in edge cloud there is a need to update the scope of application profiles to support compute resources which can be used for workload orchestration.

Quality by Design

  • Cable labs team explained intent behind the api and how the approach is different from connectivity insights by using the data available with the application provider.

Action items

@Mahesh Chapalamadugu to create CR in api backlog scope update and decision to be made if application profiles needs to be in a separate repo.