2024-12-02 - DedicatedNetworks Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Thorsten Lohmar , @Rajat Kandoi , @Alejandro Palmier , @Masaharu Hattori , Peter Kovacs, Steve Vickers, Fadime Demirer
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Agreement of last minutes
Issue #10: API Design Discussion
Issue #11: Usage Scenarios for Dedicated Networks
PR #12: Description of Usage Scenarios for the Dedicated Networks API
Comments on last Minutes
Thorsten: Sent an email to Linux Foundation support regarding tags - exisiting release tracker page is good enough. Keep Action Open.
Peter: Issue created (action closed)
Thorsten: Issue and PR created (action closed)
Meeting minutes agreed and to proceed
Issue #10
Peter clarified that issue #10 is about gathering requirements and not necessarily about the design - so can be rephrased
Agreed to come back to this after looking at Issue #11
Issue #11
Thorsten walked through the related issue and PR #12
Thorsten: Monitoring part is missing (comment to Peter)
Start modifying PRs to include this aspect, or
Merge PR #12 and add updates in subsequent PRs
Peter: Monitoring may not even belong to Dedicated Network APIs
Thorsten: Could be related to QoS Profiles
Thorsten: Identify and select capabilities for creating and using when available. Monitoring can also be part of the scope.
LCM of the dedicated network discussed
Peter: Monitoring examples
Reserve dedicated network through some means, could imply connectivity sort of monitoring, may be interested “when device actually joins”
Not sure where to place this - could fall in Device Connectivity API
User should be able to keep track of that resource
Thorsten: Probably good to add the Usage Scenario
Usage monitoring and events can be added but network resource monitoring itself may not be in scope
Q: Would that make sense?
Peter: Can also be limitations on how many devices can be connected. Coming and going info might be useful.
Thorsten: Important to add why this featured would be useful to the various scenarios.
E.g., media from past experience - need to know sometimes things are setup - so important to know device is connected. Hence good to clarify what is expected.
Should also make clear the relation to other
Question to Peter: Connectivity Insights or other APIs supporting such use case?
Connectivity Status and Connectivity Insights could be related but are probably not covering this yet.
WoW Discussion
Rajat proposed to merge PR#12 and add monitoring in subsequent commits
Rajat proposed to keep Issue #10 (just rename) and create a file in Github as placeholder
Both comments were accepted and translated
Vacations - Christmas break
Dec-16 : Next meeting (Peter away, will ask Tanja)
Dec-30: Should cancel (no objections)
Jan-13: Then continue in the new year