2024-12-16 DedicatedNetworks Minutes

2024-12-16 DedicatedNetworks Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Thorsten Lohmar , @Rajat Kandoi , @Barath K , @Masaharu Hattori , @fabrizio moggio , @Jorge Garcia Hospital , @Toshi Wakayama , @steve.vickers , @Alejandro Palmier , @Tanja de Groot , @fadime demirer, @Surajj Jaggernath Community Attendees:

LF Staff:



Antitrust Policy

  • Agreement of last minutes (Link)

  • Action Items Review

  • API Backlog topics

    • Issue #14: Discussion on overlapping with IoT Data Transfer Activation API

    • Issue #16: Question on QoD booking proposal

  • Discussion of Issues and Pull Requests

    • Issue #11: Usage Scenarios for Dedicated Networks

      • Pull Request #12: Description of Usage Scenarios for the Dedicated Networks API

    • Issue #10: API Design Requirements

      • Pull Request #15: API Design considerations

  • ย 

The Meeting on 30th December is canceled.


  • Agreement of last minutes

    • No comments (approved)

  • Action Items Review

    • Meeting cancelled - invite removed.

    • AP Closed on โ€œEmpty documentโ€ - since PR#15 was created

    • AP on PR#12 - Waiting for additional reviewers and approvals

  • API Backlog topics

    • Issue #14 - IoT Data Transfer Activation

      • Fabrizio - Started from IoT view point, but given CAMARA being agnostic to tech, the IoT concept is in the title. Currently it is hidden.

        • Given DN API is focus on providing โ€œtimeโ€, IoT API parameters - already covered in DN.

        • DN is not assuming IoT-profiled network

        • Developer doesn't understand network profiles or network configurations

        • Provide API related to IoT to configure fleet of SIMs, then dedicated on DN for scheduling.

        • Current position - but need to consult internally. Not ready to close the discussion.

      • Thorsten:

        • Ok to continue discussion - Impact on DN unclear at this point

        • 3GPP APIs have already some APIs for BDT

      • Tanja:

        • There could be something specific about IoT devices - this is one detail that also needs to be specified

      • Fabrizio (alternatives)

        • Keep the IoT area and keep the IoT API focusing on โ€œthoseโ€ features and keep DN for scheduling

        • Find some parameter or feature that can be in DN API and then can close the IOT API and start working on DN

      • Thorsten

        • Use case - BDT - can be IoT agnostic

          • Fabrizio - yes, probably right but our approach / focus was on IoT

    • Issue #16 - Question on QoD booking proposal

      • Masaharu Hattori

        • QoS Booking API - add certain feature in the existing QoD API.

        • Asked to clarify relations between the two APIs in API Backlog. What is the difference and overlap

        • Slides prepared and shared. (To be uploaded and linked?)

          • location and time are common aspects between the APIs

          • Thorsten: Network capacity is not the only thing (in early days), can also specific multiple QoS profiles possibly.

          • Management of connectivity can be per device (common between APIs)

          • Thorsten: Even B2B is probably a lot like B2B2C. Since the entity might leave the actualy configuration to the end user

            • Who is the B2B2C in QoS Booking API

            • We can B2C case OTOH B2B2C - first โ€œBโ€ can be company hosting the event.

            • Thorsten: So could this company be buying bulk and selling to one device?

            • Masaharu: First booked network resources, then on top of that book individual connection.

            • Thorsten: So some โ€œBโ€ would not know how many โ€œticketsโ€ can be sold (since they don't know capacity)?

            • Can continue discussion offline. Continue discussion in Issues.

            • Key difference is multiple devices - but no requirement to have multiple. Fully okay to have single but probably a niche case for DN.

            • Fabrizio

            • Overlapping also with IoT API seemingly

            • Feature must be simple to developer and how its implemented in network is not important

            • Scheduling - can decide to have many. And specific config per network.

            • If we want to have scheduling on one or more devices in also other APIs - or do we want to add this feature - or just in one API, i.e., common API for scheduling

            • Then what is managed (the resource, e.g. device) is managed b some other API

            • May be we can use some โ€œidโ€ or โ€œbooking parameterโ€ - reasoning out loud

            • Thorsten: Also interesting and goes in to details of the the DN

            • Two capabilities - set of QoS Profiles, the other monitoring

            • DN reservation - what are the capabilities - then would of course use other APIs after DN is activated to interact

            • ย 

            • Jorge

            • If use cases are different, then can consider different APIs

            • May be we need to flesh the APIs and then do a comparison

            • QoD Booking could also be sandbox but part of the family

            • Next backlog - Jan 9th. Good to have something.

  • Discussion of Issues and Pull Requests

    • Usage Scenarios - pending review

    • API Design Requirements - PR #15

      • Use โ€œConsiderationsโ€ instead of โ€œRequirementsโ€ (to avoid MUST, SHOULD discussion)

      • Thorsten walked through the document

      • Monitoring aspects should be expanded

      • Is it one way to start addressing #10? - Tanja - looks good.

      • Tanja

        • States - several disctinct standards and should cross-reference

        • Dont need to map all but dont need to re-invent

        • State is also potentially related to monitoring

        • Should be relation to events - not all states may need to be sent to the API consumer

        • Administrative states and operational states

          • Once activated and can then monitor

      • Thorsten:

        • Separate what to book and what features the device gets access to - as potential continuation

      • Thorsten: Do you see any existing CAMARA API for monitoring

        • Tanja: Depends on what is being monitored. TMF also has usage. Possibly volume.

        • Could also be different SLAs - monitoring nothing to everything

Topic 1

  • Comments

Action items

@fabrizio moggio to clarify โ€œIoTโ€ requirements
Create new issue or update issue #14
@Thorsten Lohmar : Comment on Issue #16 (related to Masaharuโ€™s input today)
Review PR #12 (should ideally be reviewed and merged offline)
Review PR #15 (comments are appreciated, if you agree - can also approve or make a note)
@Tanja de Groot - Suggest references from existing specs (esp. TMF)


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