2025-01-09 - Customer Insights - Meeting Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Kev Scarr (VF)
@Rafal Artych (DT)
@Agustin Martin (TEF)
@Pedro Díez García (TEF)
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Jan 9, 2025
Status: FINAL
Final Date for Comments: Jan 20, 2025
Antitrust Policy
Issues review
Management of WG
Official Timeline for Customer Insights WG settled to 14:00 UTC (15:00 CET, 16:00 CEST)
SubProject Information
CAMARA repository: https://github.com/camaraproject/CustomerInsights
Confluence Subproject site: CustomerInsights (Independent-Status)
Consolidated Work
Issues Review
Issue | Who | Status | Comments |
DT, WG | ONGOING | 28/NOV: This issue is to be managed after Zoom meetings are in place and initial API information can be provided. With that a PR can be generated 12/DIC: Partially covered with https://github.com/camaraproject/CustomerInsights/pull/13 07/JAN: Pending to update README.md. Trigger PR in the next days | |
TEF, WG | CLOSED | 28/NOV: Issue will be kept open until Zoom Meetings are managed | |
TEF | ONGOING | 28/NOV: Issue to cover initial User Stories. Related PR#10 created 09/JAN: Comments provided by @Rafal Artych at the end of last year. Pedro will review them. Rafal also comments Kevin can take a look for using the better Englixh wording as possible. | |
TEF | ONGOING | 28/NOV: Issue to cover Baseline API proposal for discussion. Related PR#12 created Main Points indicated:
PR will be reviewed offline and provide comments 12/DIC: FollowUp discussion. Commenting around summary and comments given by @Kev Scarr. Pedro will provide feedback during the ongoing week. Other point for the API Spec is the alignment of the specification with Commonalities and ICM guidelines. Regarding Commonalities, Release 2.1 has been delivered last week https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/pull/342. Also @Rafal Artych has elaborated a document under TSC request to easy the understanding an identification of breaking changes. https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jIAQAw that aims to indicate breaking changes and also suggest subprojects what they need to update in API definitions. 09/JAN: Main pending points are Commonalities and ICM aligment. Also to propose a generic wording for the term “Scoring” | |
WG | NEW | 12/DIC: “parent” issue to compile MetaRelease Spring 25 actions:
Next Step is to generate child issues. Commented during the meeting the actions to be performed on each of them. Work will be documented within them as far as it is progressing on it.
| |
AoB | WG |
| Algorithm generating the rating: TEF internally working to share a proposal. Checking with TEF Telco Operators. Expected to be ready to share an initial proposal during February. @Kev Scarr comments about providing some information to business partners about how algorithm is peformed. Commented within the WG that we will need to talk about that. It is clear that for implementation alignment is required and in order to provide some public hints we will have to achieve some consensus about which and how some information can be provided not colliding with provacy nor legal considerations. Taken note of this point when entering in this specific discussion. |
Next Meetings
On Jan 23, 2025, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (15:00 - 16:00 CET // 16:00 - 17:00 CEST) - Meetings Link