2025-01-14 WebRTC Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Santiago Troncoso
@Rafal Artych
@Deepak Jaiswal
@tsuyoshi takakura
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
PRs to review:
#53 - Notification compliance - Merged!
#56 - VvoipSessionInformation schema review - Merged!
#59 - Fix/api file names - NEW
Covers issue #57
Issues to discuss:
Subproject management
#58 - Scope for webrtc-events API for Spring 25 CAMARA meta release (wip) subproject management
#51 - Spring25 API requirements
#50 - Spring25 Documentation requirements documentation
#57 - File names and api-name subproject management
#55 - Allow implicit subscription for RACM and CallHandling enhancement
#52 - Branded Calls impact in WebRTC API
#25 - Emergency call support for BYON enhancement
Next release scope
Next meeting date
PRs to review
#53 - Notification compliance - Merged!
#54 - VvoipSessionInformation schema reviewed - Merged!
#59 - Fix/api file names - NEW
It covers issue #57 to rename APIs and their files following the common rules. Alto it simplifies terms, remove custom naming and clarifies API scope: register, call, or track events.
BYON-CallHandling →
BYON-RACM-Service →
BYON-WebRTC-Events →
Also patches API URLs to be aligned with CAMARA
And includes a little bit more of documentation
Looks good for all the team. Looking for approval to merge ASAP
Issues to discuss
#58 - Scope for webrtc-events API for Spring 25 CAMARA meta release (wip)
subproject management
Required to cover all points based on templates for API readiness and changelog to be included on doc folder
This issue will do the work for
. We will extra issues like this forwebrtc-call-handling
This issue (and other scopes) will overseed #51 and #50
NEW ISSUE: All APIs must comply with Commonalities 0.5 before releasing
Follwing right now:Analysis of Commonalities 0.5.0-alpha.1 changes
#57 - File names and api-name subproject management
Discussed during PR#59. Will be closed when merging
#55 - Allow implicit subscription for RACM and CallHandling enhancement
Agreed to be included for next release
#52 - Branded Calls impact in WebRTC API
No news
#51 - Spring25 API requirements
Overseed by #58 and following ones. Agreed to close
#50 - Spring25 Documentation requirements documentation
Overseed by #58 and following ones. Agreed to close
#25 - Emergency call support for BYON enhancement
Agreed to be included for next release
Summary for next release: During discussion of #58 we have an agreement about the scope for next release. It will include
All active participants are invited to consider potential candidates to expand the CODEOWNERS list.
Next meeting: January 28th
Action items