2025-01-14 EdgeCloud 2025 Minutes

2025-01-14 EdgeCloud 2025 Minutes

Community Attendees: @Sergi Alonso

@Thomas Vits @Alvaro Fernandez Garrido @deepak gunjal

@Laura Martรญn

@Javier Villa

@Mahesh Chapalamadugu

@Kevin Smith @Ben Hepworth

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  1. Open Topics

  2. Following meta-release and work plan.

  3. Edge Discovery Service

  4. Edge Application Management API

  5. New API Application Endpoint Registration

  6. TI API

  7. Simple Edge Discovery

  8. AOB


We agreed to have three different APIs for discovery:

  1. Simple Edge Discovery. Pending to align with Spring25.

  2. Application Endpoint Discovery. Pending to update with the new funcionalities added with the new APIs.

  3. Edge Discovery Service(name pending(Discussion 329).

Pending review the pending PRs. (Application Endpoint Discovery, Edge Discovery Service, Application Endpoint Registration)

Topic 1

  • Still pending feedback of the Baclog group about the idea of have Apllication Profiles in several Camara Groups. @Mahesh Chapalamadugu

Action items