KnowYourCustomer Match API Description

KnowYourCustomer Match API Description

API Description

The โ€œKnow Your Customer Matchโ€ API provides the ability to compare the information the API customer has for a particular user with that on file (and verified) by the userโ€™s Mobile Network Operator (MNO) in their own KYC records.

The information can include phone number, name, postal code, address, birthdate, email address etc. No Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is returned.

In addition to โ€˜trueโ€™ (information matched) or โ€˜falseโ€™ (information unmatched) results, Know Your Customer Match API has an optional function to return the match score value, which reflects how well the input information (of a string attribute) matches the information stored in the API provider/MNOโ€™s system.

Use Cases

  • User identity verification for any service provider checking new users and regular refresh.

  • Especially depending on market/country regulations, identity verification for compliance with regulations, e.g. KYC regulations in banking demanding check for new users and for regular refresh.

  • Account Verification: Ensuring that the information provided by a user during account creation matches the verified records from the MNO.

  • Fraud Prevention: Comparing user information to detect discrepancies and prevent fraudulent activities.

  • E-commerce: Matching customer information to ensure accurate and secure online transactions.


  • The service provider can confirm the accuracy of the user information required by its service without inconveniencing the user.

  • Mitigate risks related to different ways of identity fraud like the usage of synthetic identities.

  • Maximize the conversion rate and the quality of the onboarding procedures.

  • Avoids data entry errors and mitigates fraud by utilizing verified user information from the userโ€™s MNO.

  • Operational efficiency for the API customer (cost savings).

API Portfolio: Authentication and Fraud Prevention

SubProject Wiki: Know Your Customer
(incl. how to meet the team)

API Wiki: Know Your Customer Match

API Repository: Know Your Customer Match

API Repository Status: Incubating candidate

API Status: Initial

API Version(s) and Release Date(s):

  • v0.2.1 (11.12.2024), Fall24 meta-release

  • v0.3.0 (10.03.2025), Spring25 meta-release

API availability: Information which APIs are available in which country and network, and how to get access can be found on the GSMA public launch status page.


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