ShortMessageService Delivery Notification Subscription API Description

ShortMessageService Delivery Notification Subscription API Description

API Description

  • With the โ€œSMS Delivery Notification Subscriptionโ€ API, customers can create subscriptions for receiving delivery notification on the requests sent.

  • The consumer ID in the request gives the identity of the consumer for which call back notification subscription to be enabled.

  • Upon successfully creating a subscription, the API will provide an event subscription ID, and it will indicate the subscriptionโ€™s expiration date.

  • After delivering the SMS, the event subscriber will be notified back to the provided notification URL given by the subscription-request.

Use Cases

The SMS Delivery Notification Subscription API could be useful in scenarios such as:

  • Proactive handling of scenarios/actions based on the delivery status (delivered/not delivered) of SMS.

  • Reliable subscription notification from the API provider would help API consumer in keeping a record of messages/count sent vs. delivered which could be useful in bill validations.


  • Enhanced customer experience: With message delivery subscription, the consumer of SMS API would know upfront whether the SMS is sent successfully or not and basis that provide user experience proactively rather than after a pre-defined interval. For e.g. resend One Time Password (OTP).

  • Leaner reconciliation process: Consuming success/failed messages status would help API consumers to refer/validate the bill/charges raised by API provider.

API Portfolio: Communication Services

SubProject Wiki: N/a, Independent Sandbox, See API Wiki
(incl. how to meet the team)

API Wiki: SMS Delivery Notification Subscription

API Repository: SMS Delivery Notification Subscription

API Repository Status: Sandbox

API Status: In progress

API Version(s) and Release Date(s):

  • In progress

API availability: Information which APIs are available in which country and network, and how to get access can be found on the GSMA public launch status page.

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