2024-02-09 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes

Final Version (as agreed in 2024-02-23 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes)

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff: na

Community: @Herbert Damker @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Syed Rehman @Akos Hunyadi @Eric Murray @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Brian Smith @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Rafal Artych @Toshi Wakayama , Patrice Conil, Randy Levensalor, Thorsten Lohmar


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Review of previous meeting minutes

    • Approved

  • General Topics

    • Creation of release v0.10.0

    • Open PRs

    • New Issues

    • Existing Issues

  • Any Other Topics


Creation of release v0.10.0

Open Pull Requests

  • The three open PRs are currently in DRAFT mode, not ready for review (see respective issues below)

New Issues

  • #265 Proposal to split QoS Sessions and QoS Profiles into two separate API definitions

    • Proposed by @Herbert Damker and @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo

    • Common schema should be defined only once in a common file, either in sub project of from Commonalities

      • Process and script needed to create one bundled specification file for distribution (run after every merge)

      • To be discussed: use of (which) released version from Commonalities

    • Agreement: to do the split

Existing Issues (without "backlog")

Any other topics

  • Next QoD will be February 23rd, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC

Action items