2024-02-23 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes


Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance


LF Staff: na

Community: @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Andrew Wajs @Rafal Artych @Gervais-Martial Ngueko @Akos Hunyadi @Herbert Damker @David Butler @Eric Murray , Joachim Dahlgren, Emil Zhang, P. Das


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Review of previous meeting minutes

    • Agreed

  • General Topics

    • Overall project

    • New Issues

    • Open PRs

    • Existing Issues

  • Any Other Topics


Overall project

  • David Butler (BBC Research and Development) new in the sub project

  • Release v0.3.0 of Commonalities is available

    • New issue for X-Correlator to be created โ†’ Herbert will create an issue

    • Review of Linting rules implementation โ†’ Herbert will create an issue

    • Other aspects covered by #244 and #245

  • DT provided an update of its provider implementation inย https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand_PI1

    • Based on v0.10.0-rc1, based on final release will follow

Open Pull Requests

  • The three open PRs are currently in DRAFT mode, not ready for review (see respective issues below)

New Issues

  • #267 Polling for statusInfo in GET /sessions/{sessionId} not possible

    • Bug within v0.10.0,

    • Two alternatives to resolve:

      • Removeย statusInfo from this note โ†’ would lead to v0.10.1 (change in documentation)

        • Herbert will prepare a PR against release-0.10.0 branch

        • But we will wait with a patch release in case there will be further issues and/or clarifications of documentation for v0.10.x

      • Add the statusInfo to the GET /sessions/{sessionId} - response โ†’ will be done in v0.11.0

    • Document in issue @Herbert Damkerย 

Existing Issues (without backlog, order reversed)

Any other topics

  • Next QoD will be on March 8th, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC

Action items