2024-03-26 Device Location - Meeting Minutes
Mar 26, 2024
@Ludovic Robert
Joachim Dahlgren
Cetin Alpaycetin
Akos Hunyadi
Fernando Prado Cabrillo
@Rafal Artych
Open issues and PRs
Any other business
Are we happy with security scope for geofencing
Scope name should reflect the date provided by the notification (not
but more precise likegeofencing:subscriptions:read-location
)Discussion on this topic in progress in Commonalities (camaraproject/Commonalities#163)
Add x-correlator as specified in the guideline
Following PR Created:
Update location-verification with x-correlator
Could be merged → Merged after the meeting
Update location-retrieval with x-correlator
Could be merged → Merged after the meeting
Discussion about x-correlator open in commonalities
Suggestion to keep this PR open till commonalities outcome.
Remove API from the title
José will create the PR
Implement use of linting rule set for Device Location API
New PRs: Introducing corrections for yamllint and Adding configuration for Github Actions with linting ruleset
PR#166 Rafal will regenerate the linter & once done the PR will be merge
PR#167: to be merged after #166
Rafal will check if PR can be merged and will prepare what is needed.
Add Test Definition for location Retrieval #119
Issue in Commonalities to discuss Enhancement of the Testing Guidelines by TEF
Jose from TEF will upload an example of Location Verification ATP once the commonalities guidelines are approvedToyeeb to check with GSMA conformanceOrange is working on the testing too and will provide feedback soon.
Geofencing - Adding a value in Termination Reason value enum
Discussion in progress in Commnonalities: camaraproject/Commonalities#153
Related issues in DeviceStatus and QoD
Waiting for Commonalities outcomes
Geofencing API - Add Subscription type 'area-left-or-entered' to subscribe to both event in one time
New issue in Commonalities Subscription-Issue2: Allow event consumers to subscribe to more than one event types with a single subscription
Waiting for Commonalities outcomes
As we have several issues aroung Subscriptions and the progress on commonalities are slow we need to speed up the resolution. One proposal should be to have a cross meeting with Device Status WG as these 2 projets rely on subscriptions.
Geofencing API - Defining a standard behavior for first event
Moved to Commonalities Issue 140
No comments in the issue in the last 2 weeks
Low participation in commonalities is blocking the issue for device location
Ludovic proposes to have a cross meeting with Device Location and Device Status to tackle the issue
Define guidelines for geofencing implementation
No new comments.
We need more comments from the team
Connected with Issue #85. A document with implementation guideline should cover this also.
Geofencing API - Add "format: uri" to notificationUrl
Moved to commonalities
No comments in the last 2 weeks
Wait for outcome
Long term discussions
Administrative Code Area
New Issue #83, with formal requirements from GSMA Product track
Document uploaded by TEF with a proposal.
This item should be reopen after MWC.
We should discussed approach on this for next release. Should we incorporate this to current operations, should we split this functionality to new endpoints or even separate APIs?
Need to be discussed
Ludovic preference is for a separate API as for example in France this is not a request.
For Javier this is not a top priority for Telefonica as of now.
More generally probably we need to have feedback loop with GSMA team about API work (and review the priority as focus could change)
Done during last TSC - see here: https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CAM/2024-03-21+TSC+Minutes
Behaviour when requesting too high precision
As requested by Joachim, issue will remain open until TEF uploads the document with more detail or the information is added to an API_documentation file to keep in the repo for future references.
Joachim: Should be also aligned/synchronized with Geofencing