2024-07-02 Device Location - Meeting Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Ludovic Robert @Cetin Alpaycetin @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Maximilian Laue @Joachim Dahlgren @Rafal Artych @Akos Hunyadi
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Approve previous meeting minutes
Approved? nope
Open issues and PRs
Update maxAge behavior for /verify & /retrieve
In location retrieval there is still a HTTP-400 - Bad Request while it should be only a 422 if the requested
does not fit with the freshness of the location provided by the network.Not sure we need to change something.
For location retrieval - we specified that 400 must be sent back if maxAge is syntactically wrong and 422 if the telco is unable to get the freshness required.
For location-verification not sure we need 422 as we have UNKNOWN result.
In location-verification there is only 400 and not 422
Both work for @Maximilian Laue @Ludovic Robert
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo will sync with @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo
To be checked with product team - it could change what we charge.
Add authorization and Authentification in info.description
Ongoing for first meta-release
Align Location Verification with Guidelines for error scenario
Align Location Retrieval with Guideline for error scenario
Issue 219
@Ludovic Robert will manage this one
Probably a third issue need to be triggered for Geofencing - To be discussed with @Maximilian Laue
@Maximilian Laue will manage this oneMerged Update the Geofencing subscription models to align on CAMARA commonalities
PR 202
Scopes for meta-release Fall24, to be linked in DeviceLocation API Release Tracking
Scope of Location Verification API for Fall24 CAMARA Meta Release
Scope of Geofencing Subscriptions API for Fall24 CAMARA Meta Release
Reminder of previous meeting discussion:
About initial vs stable maturity level. Our understanding is that for the first meta-release we use the initial maturity level. But this could be confirmed as the release process management set in.
Regarding milestone we can target M3 around mi-July & M4 for end of August.
About Test Definition we should provide at least scenario for basic UCs (for M4).
No opinion against targeting a initial maturity level for meta release
Create issue to request API readiness checklist file - issue 220
Topics to be close for M3 (mid-july)
Test Definition
Testing plan for location verification (PR189 & issue 208)
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo aligned his proposal with Commonalities Error Code
Testing Plan for Location Retrieval (PR 119)
@Ludovic Robert updated the proposal but need to be aligned with José last update tackled in PR189.
Testing plan for Geofencing (PR 181)
No progress
Check if Max is willing to do it.
Yes @Maximilian Laue will manage
Ongoing after first meta-release
Polygon area type added